Class hour "to do good." Class hour "do good" Questions for discussion in groups

Classroom hour

Theme: “Hearts will be opened for good »

Goals: to form moral qualities, to develop in children a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance; continue to introduce the concept of charity, show its role in history and modern society; awakenin children the desire to provide all possible assistance to those in need.

Age of students: 2nd grade, 8 years old

The degree of involvement in charity: heard about charity and participated

Cabinet equipment: screen, computer, electronic presentation, drawing of light and black hearts, sheets of paper A-4 according to the number of students, simple pencils, pens, scissors, cards with assignments for group work.

Class hour script

1. Organizational moment .

Guys, tell me, what could be softer than a pillow? (student answers)

These are our hands, palms.

2. Motivation

Palm, hand, palm - so in the old days they called the inside of the hand. Many proverbs and sayings are associated with the palm.

"The palm is light - friendship is strong." How do you understand it? (student answers)

So what can our hands do? (student answers)

Our hands are part of wildlife, which means that our hands can plant flowers, feed animals.

slide 2

Russian writer Lev Kassil said: “Everyone can, everyone knows how, human hands can handle everything. Only it is necessary to accustom them to a good deed, so that a person respects the work of his own hands and the work of another person.

3. Goal setting

What will be discussed, you will now find out with the help of a hint.

2 students read a poem

Good is you! Good is me!

Good is our whole Earth!

Good is a holiday in the family,

Good is the song of the stream in spring,

Good is the joys of the sea and laughter,

Welcome is as beautiful as summer!

When mom and dad are nearby - Welcome!

And people go smiling in the subway

Well, in general, good is something like that,

What can not be explained sometimes!

So, have you guessed what our lesson will be about? (children's answers)

Today we will talk about what good our hands can do.

4. Main body

Listen to an excerpt from the poem "The Beggar" by the Russian poet Yakov Polonsky.

I knew a beggar: like a shadow,

In the morning, it used to be all day

The old man wandered under the windows

And he asked for alms;

But everything that I collected in a day,

It used to be handed out by night

The sick, the crippled and the blind,

Just as poor as himself.

Guys, what can you say about this man?

What human quality is inherent in this old man?

(kindness, responsiveness, mercy, disinterestedness, charity).

(Words are hung on a bright heart)

slide 3

And now listen to another excerpt from the poem of the great Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov with the same title "The Beggar".

At the gates of the holy monastery

Begging for alms stood

The poor man is withered, a little alive

From hunger, thirst and suffering.

He only asked for a piece of bread,

And the gaze showed living torment,

And someone laid a stone

In his outstretched hand

What feeling does this poem evoke?

(Indifference, cruelty, anger, deceit, greed, callousness of the soul)

The words are hung out in a black heart.

Unfortunately, there are such people, but our task is to be different. But what about these vices, if they exist? (children's answers)

Yes, they need to be destroyed, fought against.

Guys, let's break these words and throw them away. They have no place in our lives.

Popular wisdom says: "The worst thing, having the opportunity, is not to want to do good to someone who needs it."

In the old days, good deeds were called “good”, hence the new word “charity” came from.

In our Donetsk People's Republic, such forgotten concepts as "kindness", "mercy", "charity" are being revived.

How many of you know what charity is? (children's answers)

slide 4

Charity- these are actions and deeds aimed at the public good, just like that.

And who can be a benefactor? (children's answers)

Many organizations and individual citizens carry out acts of mercy towards children from orphanages, people with disabilities, and the elderly. Let's remember what has been done in our Republic:slide 5

ramps have been installed near shops, pharmacies, and various organizations.

various trips, holidays, meetings, etc. are organized for the disabled, children from orphanages.

Fundraising is organized to help sick people. Both the elderly and the young donate money, as much as they can. And many people have already received medical assistance.

When did people start doing charity work? (children's answers)

5. A story about the role of charity in history and modern society

Charitable work has a long history:

Grand Duke Yaroslav Vladimirovich founded a school for orphans at his own expense.slide 6

Tsar Ivan the Terrible issued laws to help those in need.Slide 7

Peter I paid great attention to the arrangement of hospitals and shelters.Slide 8

Empress Catherine II supported private charity.Slide 9

In the 19th century, the title of "Honorary Benefactor" was introduced in the country.

Maybe you know specific people who are now involved in charity? (children's answers)

Now there are a lot of organizations, individuals who are doing good deeds to help the people of Donbass in such a terrible time for us, for example:Slide 10

Public organization "United Donbass Fund" paid in the summer of 2017 40,000 rubles. a family from our city, which found itself in a difficult life situation - two children at once are sick with a severe form of cerebral palsy. Assistance is intended for postoperative rehabilitation of children.

Doctor Liza's Fair Help Foundation. In two years, this fund saved the lives of more than 500 kids who suffered from various serious illnesses.

And there are a lot of such funds. The Russian Federation provides us with enormous support.

Adults work, they can help with money. But you do not earn, how can you help others? (student reasoning)

(For example, a kindergarten. Collect books, give toys to kids, help clear snow on the playground, sweep paths, show a scene to children from kindergarten, make and hang bird feeders ...)

And most importantly, we must remember that charity is a constant help, and not a one-time help according to the mood. In each of you there is a small particle of kindness, like a small sun. A kind person is one who loves people, helps them, it is comfortable with such a person everywhere. A good person loves nature. The love of a kind person, his help warms like a gentle spring sun.

6. Working in groups with works that show good intentions .

Group 1: fairy tale "Geese-Swans" What good deeds did the girl, the heroine of the fairy tale, do? (student answers).

Group 2: the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen" What good deed did the Hen do? (answer: the hen laid a golden egg so that grandfather and grandmother would not cry)

Group 3: L.N. Tolstoy's story "Old grandfather and granddaughters" what does it teach? (care and respect for old people).

7. Practical work.

Take a piece of paper, put your palm on it and circle it with a pencil. Write what good deeds you have done, and if you haven’t done it yet, what good deeds do you dream of. Listen to the responses of several students. Then all the palms are attached to the board around the light heart.

Students form a circle with their hands up.

The sun will always be on your hands, goodness and love for the world around us will always reign - after all, we now lack this so much! Release your hands, join hands and give each other the warmth of your hands and a smile.

8. Final part .

I would like to finish our lesson with words from a poem by S. Ya. Marshak

May every day and every hour

You will get a new one.

May your mind be good

And the heart will be smart.

9. Summing up .

Guys, our lesson is coming to an end. What did he make you think about?

Guys, tell each other more good, kind words. This will make you feel better yourself.

Let your motto be: "Our hands do good."slide 11

And let the song “We are walking the path of goodness” become your companion in a good deed, lyrics. Y. Entina, music. M. Minkova.

(Song performance by children)slide 12

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  • Education in children of humanity, mercy, the ability to come to the aid of those in need, the desire to be noble in life.
  • To promote the assimilation of the concepts: “kindness”, “sensitivity”, “mercy”, “humanity”, as well as the development of moral self-knowledge.


  • Help students to understand the meaning of the concept of "mercy".
  • Contribute to the development of moral qualities of students.
  • Teach teamwork skills and the ability to work in a team.

Applied methods: method of using information technology outside school hours.

Technology Key words: problem learning technology, information technology, group technology.

Equipment: computer, explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language (S.I. Ozhegova), felt-tip pens, pens and blank sheets of paper.

Preparatory stage:

1. The class is divided into 3 groups, each group has felt-tip pens, pens and blank sheets of paper, explanatory dictionaries on the table.

2. On the interactive whiteboard there is a picture with the inscription “Do good”.

3. Photo exhibition “Our good deeds” at the booth.

Teacher. Good afternoon guys! How wonderful that a person does not live alone in the world. Everyone should understand and feel it. I suggest you watch the video and listen to the song “Do Good”.

Children! What qualities do you value most in people? Discuss this in your groups and make a list of qualities. (Work in groups).

Children read out their lists of positive qualities. Among the students' answers, qualities prevail: kindness, care, help, humanity, etc.

Now let's read the proverbs on the slide.

Slide 6. On the interactive whiteboard proverbs about kindness:

1) It is not clothes that make a person beautiful, but his good deeds.

2) Hurry up for a good deed, and a bad one will come in time.

3) The evil one cries with envy, and the good one with joy.

4) Kind words are more precious than wealth.

5) Whoever does good, God will repay him.

6) The one who has experienced evil knows best the price of good.

What are they teaching us? (kindness, care,)

Now I will read the story to you, and you listen carefully and guess what the topic of today's class hour is.

“This house is located on the outskirts of the city in a sparsely populated area. Old people live there, who came from different parts of our country. And the reasons for their coming here, of course, are also completely different: some never had children and therefore, having grown old, they found refuge here, others could not find a place in the families of their own children, others could not find a common language with their daughters-in-law or grandchildren, fourth ... However, is it worth it to go through all the existing reasons. It is extremely clear, like a sunny day, that no one has run away from a good life here.

Finding this nursing home is not that hard. A narrow path leads to it from the bus stop, after walking along it for about two hundred meters, you bump into the doors of a gray two-story building. Its windows are dim, which makes it seem that some kind of cold is blowing from the house. Not a single tree grows around it, not a single bush, not even flower beds. In the yard (if you can call the space in front of the house where there is no fence) in the mornings and evenings, three or four pairs of old people walk about, talking among themselves about something. Stray dogs sometimes follow them, hoping to get something to eat, but they soon fall behind.

However, the old people do not hurt and pay attention to them, the dogs simply run away further down the street, in search of a more friendly place.

The favorite place of the old people in the yard is the very site where the asphalt path connects with the path running up from the bus stop. They will sit on rough-hewn benches and sit for a long time, pensively fixing their eyes on the road along which buses and cars pass. They are desperately waiting for someone, but few people are here. Once upon a time, their relatives, at least occasionally, visit their parents, grandmothers, friends ... And if anyone comes here, it is only to leave another elderly person in the care of nurses and their mistresses of this house.

Here a young woman appeared on the path, leading by the arm an old woman with a large bundle in her hands. This woman is 25-30 years old, all full of health and indefatigable energy, so that the old woman can hardly keep up with her.

She hinted: “Daughter, can’t it be quieter, it’s hard for me to breathe” - But in response she heard a cry that brooked no objection:

I have to be home by six o'clock in the evening! One of Alyosha's friends has a birthday today.

Realizing that further conversation was useless, the old woman tried her best to keep up with the young woman.

Stepping onto the porch of the house, the woman somehow brightened up and, sighing with relief, loudly said: “Thank God, we finally got there!” True, there was no one around who could share her joy. Having instructively told the old woman: "You stay here, and I'll see if there is a director," she, opening the front doors wide, hurried inside the building. However, before the old woman, having taken off her faded scarf, even smoothed her hair that had gone astray, she heard a joyful voice:

Come on, grandma, let's go! Director at home. But somewhere in a hurry, so you need to quickly get to him.

The old woman hurriedly took the heavy bundle in her hands and followed the woman.

They were met by a gray-haired, short, stocky, affable man about fifty years old.

Come in, please, sit down, - he said, getting up from his, - I am the owner of this house. Who will you be?

The woman took out a bundle from her purse, carelessly wrapped in a newspaper, and put it on the table in front of the director:

Here, read. Here, by the way, everything should be written.

The director, without saying a word in response, took the glasses from the table, took out a handkerchief from his jacket pocket, slowly, carefully wiped the lenses of the glasses. Then he untied the ribbon on the bundle and, unfolding the documents that were there, without raising his eyes, asked:

Khanum, and who are you Marfuga ebi?

How is it by whom? Daughter, of course.

daughter? Excuse me, is she your birth mother?

Yes, - the woman answered, not at all embarrassed, and in turn asked: - Is there something wrong with the documents? I was assured in social security that "everything is in order."

Of course, of course, “everything is in order,” the director said semi-ironically, glancing at the woman, “only one thing is not clear to me: for how long, how long are you leaving your mother with us?

And the woman had a quick answer to this question:

It's not about me. She wanted to be here.

Yes, yes, - supported her mother, - I asked for it myself. I wanted to live more freely. As long as you allow me, I will live as long as I can.

Delighted by the support of her mother, the woman seemed to perk up and added:

How many times Alyosha and I persuaded her to stay. Doesn't agree to any. She rested on her own, like a village bull. And everything is here!..

Now everything has become clear to me, - said the director, sighing heavily and getting up again. - Now you, khanum, can safely leave, and you, grandmother, wait a bit ...

When the woman, without even saying goodbye, left the room, the director came close to the old woman and asked directly:

Tell me honestly, did you come here of your own free will?

But where does such a desire come from, son! she answered in a trembling voice. – After the death of my husband, my daughter and her husband moved in with me. From that day on, I never knew peace. I could no longer endure insults and asked to be taken to you in my old age. So, do not blame the old woman. (Vil Kazykhanov)

Questions for discussion in groups:

What do you think: what could not this old woman endure? What did her own daughter dopekat?

Insults in your address, disrespect, callousness, heartlessness and so on.

How can you call all this briefly?

Ruthlessness, cruelty, etc.

What do you think: who makes up the majority of those living next to us today? More kind or cruel people?

Of course, merciful, benevolent, kind, etc.

So, what are we going to talk about in today's lesson?

About mercy, goodwill in people.

The theme of our class hour is “Mercy is a mirror of the human soul”.

Teacher Q: What is mercy? What does "mercy" mean? (children answer)

Sergei Ozhegov gave the following definition to this word: "Mercy is the willingness to help someone, forgive someone, philanthropy."

(the definition on the interactive whiteboard is in large print)

Teacher: Give words close in meaning to the word “mercy” (for example: sensitive, responsive, attentive). Let's add less common words to this list - compassion, respect, philanthropy, humanity, altruism. You can draw such a diagram.

You have explanatory dictionaries in front of you, you must find the definitions of these words with the help of dictionaries. (Work in groups.)

Group 1 answers: (each definition on the interactive whiteboard)

COMPASSION - pity, sympathy, caused by someone's misfortune, grief.

KINDNESS - responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.

Group 2 answers:

RESPECT - a respectful attitude based on the recognition of someone's merits.

HUMANITY - philanthropy, respect for people, for human dignity, sensitive, kind, responsive attitude towards people.

Group 3 answers:

HUMANITY - love for people, humanity.

Altruism is selfless concern for the welfare of others.

Teacher: Well done boys! They did a good job. After completing this task, you realized that the words from the scheme are interconnected.

And now I give each group cards with statements about mercy, and each group should comment on the received statement.

(Each statement is shown on the interactive whiteboard in turn.)

Card 1. We all awaken to mercy by nature, and there is no other such good quality in our nature. Mercy comes from love. If we do not have mercy and compassion, we have nothing (St. John Chrysostom).

Card 2. Mercy is a pier for the needy, and the pier accepts all shipwrecked and saves from dangers, whether they are evil or good (Metropolitan Filaret).

Children comment on statements.

Card 3. Mercy is love that does not require reciprocity, it is possible for all people, this is its wealth and strength (N. Berdyaev).

Children comment on statements.

Teacher: Great guys! Thank you!

And now let's try to understand what mercy consists of by solving a crossword puzzle.

1. A group of relatives living together.

2. The most valuable thing a person has.

3. Selfless, sincere affection.

4. Showing attention to your neighbor.

5. A sense of responsibility for one's behavior to other people.

6. Respectful attitude based on the recognition of someone's merits.

7. Pity, sympathy, caused by the misfortune of another person.

8. Responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.

9. Belief in the sincerity and good faith of someone.

10. The habitat of all these feelings.

Teacher: Well done!

And now I invite you to express in color your attitude to the concept of "mercy".

(Children in groups discuss the color of “mercy” and color the paper circle with felt-tip pens.)

Explain color choice.

From student responses:

  • “For us, mercy is associated with green, the color of the gentle and caring attitude of people towards each other.”
  • “Mercy is red, the color of blood, the color of the heart, which gives strength for good.”
  • “Mercy” is the color of the blue sky, the color of the purity of people's attitudes towards the world around them.

Teacher: “Mercy is active kindness,” says the battalion commander, lieutenant colonel and Hero of the Russian Federation Nikolai Nikolaevich Shevelev.

Man is born and lives on earth in order to do good to people.

Start doing good right today, at home! Give the warmth of your heart to your grandparents, an old neighbor or a neighbor on the site. You will definitely see that the world around you has become a little kinder and more beautiful!

Student 1.

For cheerful spring branches
Roots are more than relatives...
Take care of old people
from insults,
Behind them -
The rumble of attacks
Years of hard work
And battles...
But old age does not have the same strength.
Days unlived
Small stock ... (slide 15)
Take care of old people
Without which there would be no you!
(L. Tatyanicheva)


This concludes our lesson. You did great work today. Guys, I urge you: hurry to do good, let's decorate our lives and the lives of the people around us with good deeds.

Student 2:

We wish you well
good night until morning
We wish you all good dreams
Good deeds and kind words.

Student 3:

Will the road take you
From the beloved threshold
Let someone tell you:
“Good luck and good luck!”

Student 4:

We want to be with you
People were happier
To kind eyes
You were looking at people.
Thank you for your attention!

Resources used:

  1. Rich E. "Nothing human." - M., 1991
  2. JaFarmy T.M. “What makes us human.” - M., 1987
  3. Kazykhanov V. “Remorse.” - M., 1999
  4. Kazykhanov. V. "Lessons of morality." - Publishing house "Creativity", 1997
  5. Ozhegov S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Any edition.
  6. Kaspina V.A. “To grow up a good person.” - M., 1997
  7. Chepurov. And "Let's worship kindness." - M., 2003
  8. Journal "Education of schoolchildren" -2006, No. 6.

Class hour for 3rd grade students

Age of participants (9-10 years old)

Children and parents organize shelters for homeless animals in the city.

Charity lesson.


1. Give an initial idea about the ideas of charity.

2. Expand the concepts of "good", "charity".

3. Introduce the concept of charity, show its role in history and modern society.

4. Awaken in children the desire to provide all possible assistance to those in need.

Cabinet equipment:

1. a poster depicting chamomile petals, where a statement about goodness is printed on each petal;

2. portraits of benefactors;

3. proverbs and sayings;

4. separate cards with different qualities of people

During the classes:

    Organizing time. Topic message.

Guys, how do you understand the meaning of the proverb “Rich is not the one who bought a lot, but the one who distributed a lot?”

Today we have an unusual lesson with you, and what will be discussed in this lesson, we will now find out with the help of a hint.

The teacher reads a poem

Good is you and me!

Good is our whole Earth!

Good is a holiday in the family,

Good is the song of the stream in spring,

Good is the joys of the sea and laughter,

Welcome is as beautiful as summer!

When mom and dad are nearby - Welcome!

And people go smiling in the subway

Well, in general, goodness is something like that,

What can not be explained sometimes!

So, have you guessed what our lesson will be about?

In the lesson we will learn what charity is, we will try to understand what is the meaning of charity, and what are the goals of charity.

2. The main part.

How many of you know what charity is? (children's answers)

Who has been involved in charity work? (children's answers)

Who and why do they prefer to help?(children's answers)

Kindness - this is responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.

Can a person be forced to be kind?

Is it possible to become kind for a while? Reflect.

Guys, let's read the proverbs and sayings written on the board and explain their meaning.

Do not boast of silver, but boast of goodness.

Good people die, but their deeds live on.

It is bad for those who do no good to anyone.

Good deeds are rewarded with good deeds.

Whoever loves good deeds, life is sweet to him.

Here I would like to recall the folk wisdom: “The worst thing, having the opportunity, is not to want to do good to someone who needs it”

In the old days, good deeds were called “good”, hence the new word “charity” came from.

Charity - these are actions and deeds aimed at the public good, just like that.

Guys, think and say how you can call a person who does good deeds, is engaged in charitable activities (philanthropist).

And who can be a benefactor? (one person, parents, class, enterprise, plant, etc.)

Teacher's story

Charitable activities can be carried out by one person or a huge enterprise. We help others because we feel like doing it. We do not give back, we make a conscious choice, so the process of helping should bring joy to ourselves. As a rule, the assistance of large enterprises is expressed in the allocation of funds for the repair of children's institutions, for the purchase of computer classes in schools, for the purchase of toys and clothes for orphanages, for the development of children's creative teams, sports clubs. Very often, artists organize big concerts, performances, and transfer all the money collected for tickets to orphanages, nursing homes, boarding schools for the disabled, that is, they help the most defenseless people free of charge.

Charity can be directed to the protection of cultural monuments, environmental protection. Some people give money for scientific research, donate books, paintings, antiques to libraries, art galleries, local history museums, and art museums.

Such rich people who encourage the development of science, art, do any good deeds and undertakings are called PATRONS.

This word is the surname of a Roman figureGaius Zilniy Maecenas who lived in Icentury BC, admirer of art, patron of poets.

(Demonstration of photos with explanation)

Examples of some more benefactors and patrons are given (with a demonstration of portraits)

Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov

Born into a hereditary merchant family. His love for art made him an avid collector of paintings by Russian artists. In 1892, Tretyakov donated his famous gallery to Moscow. It is still a museum of world importance to this day.

Agnes Gonja Boyagiu known to the world as Mother Teresa

This woman has become an example of love and care for others. Even as a girl, she firmly knew that her service to God would be connected with the service of the poor. Helping the sick and dying poor, she surrounded them with love, care, and comfort. She organized the first clinic for those infected with AIDS, created shelters for patients in Harlem. In 1779, having received the Nobel Peace Prize, she fully invested it in her mission.

So, the wife of the first president of the USSRRaisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva she was the chairman of the international association "Hematologists of the World for Children", personally patronized the Central Children's Clinical Hospital in Moscow. Helped children with blood diseases.

An outstanding Russian musician known for his charitable activitiesMstislav Rostropovich - President of the Charitable Foundation, which provides assistance to children's medical institutions in the Russian Federation.

Do you know that in today's 21st century it is fashionable to be kind, understanding, empathetic, doing good?

For many years the singerAnita Tsoi implements programs to help children in difficult situations and children with disabilities.

Let's look at a few examples where the help of philanthropists saved people's lives.

Guys, tell me, can anyone become a philanthropist? (children's answers)

methodological comments.

Pay attention to the qualities of people written on the board. Discuss and remove those qualities that patrons cannot have.


ENVY JUSTICE Boastfulness

sincerity kindness cunning


After completing the task, the teacher needs to bring the children to the idea of ​​the need to develop in themselves the qualities inherent in a philanthropist.

Charity has found its reflection even in Russian folk tales. Remember the fairy tale"Swan geese", what good deeds did the heroine of this fairy tale perform, despite personal problems? (discussion: helped the apple tree drop apples, pulled the pies out of the oven, removed the stones that interfered with the river)

"Ryaba Hen" (consoled sobbing old people - laid a golden egg)

Guys, can we provide any kind of charitable assistance? To whom? What? (For example: kindergarten. Collect books, give toys to kids, help clear snow on the playground, sweep paths, show a scene to children from kindergarten, make and hang bird feeders ...)

And most importantly, we must remember that charity isconstant help rather than help once on mood.

A kind person is one who loves people, helps them, it is comfortable with such a person everywhere. A good person loves nature. The love of a kind person, his help warms like a gentle spring sun.

Don't stand by indifferently

When someone is in trouble.

You need to rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

And if someone helps

Your kindness and your smile

You are happy that the day was not lived in vain,

What years you live not in vain!

3. Student reflection

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What new concepts did you get?

Who are patrons, what is charity?

What conclusions did you make for yourself from what you heard and saw in the lesson?

So, we announce the beginning of the operation "Book Week." Talk to your parents at home about what books you could donate to kindergarten.

And I want to wish you not to close your soul for good deeds and always be ready to help in difficult times to any person who needs it. But help should be imperceptible, disinterested. If you are doing a good deed, you should not shout about how noble you are. Real nobility is quiet, it remains in the shadows. Be kind and goodness will come back to you.

Hurry up to do good deeds guys. And let the song “We are walking the path of goodness” become your companion in a good deed, lyrics. Y. Entina, music. M. Minkova.

Song performance by children

Information sources

1. VI State Tretyakov Gallery. History and collections.

Publishing House "Art", 1986

2. International competition "Lessons of Charity": materials of methodological developments of lessons of charity. - Samara: Artel, 2012

MBOU secondary school No. 3, Rasskazovo

Primary school teacher

God gives wealth for use and will require an account of it.


In recent years, the life of our “new Russians” has been covered in the media with special gusto. Buying yachts, football teams, mansions and jewelry - this is served as a standard of behavior, as a symbol of success in life. Modern youth is inspired by the idea that the main thing in this life is pleasure, and money is only a means of satisfying desires. Meanwhile, the Russian Orthodox tradition is characterized by a completely different attitude towards money and wealth. The richest Russian merchants, entrepreneurs of the XIX century. believed that money is a responsibility to the people, so many of them were philanthropists and were involved in charity work. The proposed classroom scenario introduces children to the names of the most famous Russian patrons P.M. Tretyakov and ST. Morozov. During the conversation, the class teacher helps the children understand the motives of their charitable activities - Orthodox ethics and patriotism. A class hour on this topic would be appropriate to spend on Christmas days. This is the time of charity, showing mercy, sincere attention to everyone who needs our participation, help and care.

Goals: to expand children's understanding of what charity, patronage is; to acquaint with the activities of P.M. Tretyakova, S.T. Morozov; to form a positive moral assessment of such human qualities as mercy, empathy, sympathy; contribute to the education of kindness, sincerity; encourage children to participate in charity events.

Preparatory work: instruct the creative group (7 children) to prepare the information block of the class hour.

Equipment: portraits of P.M. Tretyakova, S.T. Morozov, photograph of the Tretyakov Gallery building, reproductions of paintings from the Tretyakov collection, photograph of the Moscow Art Theater building.

Registration: write down the topic of the class hour, the epigraph on the board.

class plan

I. Problematic situation "How Dimka became a philanthropist."

II. Discussion of the situation.

III. Information block.

1. Patrons, sponsors and benefactors.

2. The feat of the merchant Tretyakov.

3. "Sponsor" of the Moscow Art Theater.

IV. Interactive conversation.

V. Modern Timurs.

VI. Summarizing.

Class hour progress

I. Problematic situation "How Dimka became a patron of art"

Classroom teacher. Guys, look at the blackboard. The theme of our class hour is written on the blackboard - "Do Good." Three more words are written below - sponsor, philanthropist and philanthropist. Now we will talk about the meaning of these words. Listen to a little story, please. It was told to me by the mother of a seventh grader. Her son Dima is fond of aircraft modeling.

Literally every week Dima glues a new aircraft model. These models are everywhere in his room: on the closet, on the shelves, on the table, under the bed. Mom tried to slowly throw away these products, but Dimka somehow always noticed this and made scandals after the disappearance of the next fighter. Then the mother invited her son to do a good deed. She said that these aircraft models could be given to the neighboring twins Sasha and Seryozha. In their large family, children are not spoiled with toys, and if Dimka brings them such a number of excellent models, the kids will have a real holiday. This idea inspired the boy so much that he immediately rushed to collect a gift for the neighbor's children. I found a large box, neatly placed all my models in it and, being generous, poured my children's cars into it. He closed the box and went to the yard, where Sashka and Seryozhka were lonely digging in the sandbox. Mom saw from the balcony how Dimka put a huge box in front of the children, how the kids timidly looked into it, not daring to touch such wealth. Mom moved away from the window when she saw that Dima was about to launch his biggest plane. Already from the kitchen, she heard happy children's laughter in the yard and realized that the tests of the liner were successful.

Dimka returned home happy and tired, like Santa Claus after the twenty-fifth Christmas tree. He immediately called his girlfriend Natasha and solemnly announced: "Congratulate me, I became a patron of the arts." But Natasha, having heard his story, did not agree with him.

II. Discussion of the situation

Classroom teacher. What do you guys think, why did Natasha not agree to call Dimka a philanthropist?

Sample responses from children:

She envied.

She did not believe that he was capable of such a thing.

She did not know who the patron was.

She wanted Dimka to give all the airplanes to her.

Classroom teacher. Maybe it was necessary to call Dima the sponsor of the kids? (No, you can’t call him that. The sponsor gives money, provides financial assistance, and Dima gave toys.)

How can you call Dima's act? (The best way to define Dima's act is the word "charity".)

The word "charity" has two roots: "good" and "create". What good deed did Dima do?

Sample responses from children:

He shared his toys, gave away what he held dear.

He gave joy to the kids.

Made a surprise, arranged a holiday for the poor children.

He not only presented models of aircraft, but also showed how to launch them so that they fly.

III. Information block

1. Patrons, sponsors and benefactors

Student 1. Charity is the provision of assistance in the form of donations to those who need it. The famous Russian merchants Prokhorov, Morozov, Ryabushinsky, Mamontov and others were actively involved in charity work. They gave money for the construction of schools, hospitals, shelters, canteens, shelters.

Student 2. Patrons are philanthropists who donate money for the development of culture. For example, the merchants Savva Mamontov and Savva Morozov supported Russian artists, artists, and musicians. A philanthropist is a rich patron of sciences and arts. Who was the first patron? At the end of the 1st century n. e. Gaius Cylnius the Maecenas lived in Ancient Rome. He supported the poets Virgil and Horace. Since then, everyone who finances talented people has been called patrons.

2. The feat of the merchant Tretyakov

Student 3. The Tretyakov Gallery is known all over the world. She is in Moscow. This is a world-famous art museum, which contains masterpieces of Russian painting from Kievan Rus to the present day. The famous philanthropist Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov collected the painting collection with his own money.

Before the revolution, the rich did not value Russian art very highly, they tried to buy and order paintings from foreigners. Many Russian artists were poor, even starving. Real patriots, who believed in their people, believed in the flourishing of their culture, undertook to help the national culture. One of these patriots was the Moscow merchant Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov.

Pupil 4. Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov's friends were the best painters. But only two of them managed to make a lifetime portrait of the patron. These are Ilya Efimovich Repin and Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy. Tretyakov was a very modest person, he did not like to pose and expose himself. The artist Kramskoy managed to catch him during his illness, when Tretyakov could not resist. Look at the portrait of the patron (shows an illustration from the book). A smart, intelligent face, nobility, restraint - he does not at all look like a merchant, an entrepreneur. Rather, it resembles an artist or an artist.

Pupil 5. Even in his youth, Tretyakov set himself the goal of creating a gallery of Russian art. For half a century he went to this goal. He did not miss a single exhibition, he bequeathed all the capital that he inherited from his father to the creation of this museum. “Give as much as possible to people, take as little as possible yourself” - this was his life rule. He bought with his own money paintings by Repin, Kramskoy, Perov, Vasnetsov, Levitan, Shishkin, and other Russian artists who were still unknown to anyone, arranged exhibitions. Then he donated his gallery to Moscow. The creation of the gallery is a real feat of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov.

3. "Sponsor" of the Moscow Art Theater

student b. Everyone knows what the MHT is. This is a theater created by Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. In this theater, A.P. staged his plays. Chekhov. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko wanted the theater to be accessible to the people, so that tickets for performances were cheap. But such a theater definitely needed a sponsor, a philanthropist who would constantly give money for costumes, scenery, salaries for artists, and repairs. And then the famous Moscow merchant Savva Morozov came to the rescue.

Savva Morozov was very fond of theatrical art, he constantly attended performances of various theaters. He helped some theater troupes with money. I only asked that this assistance not be advertised.

Pupil 7. Morozov really liked the Stanislavsky Theater. I liked the very idea of ​​making the theater not for the rich, but for the people. And Savva Morozov became one of the founders of this theater. He literally lived for them: he came to all rehearsals and performances, gave large sums of money and even started rebuilding the building. Morozov himself watched the construction site, personally delved into all the details, he sawed, painted, hammered. The latest technical devices and equipment for the stage were purchased abroad. In general, Savva Morozov spent about half a million rubles on the Art Theater. The Stanislavsky Art Theater became famous all over the world. This is also the merit of the philanthropist Savva Morozov.

IV. interactive conversation

Classroom teacher. Thanks guys for the interesting info. (Turns to class.)

What do you guys think, what made Tretyakov, Morozov, other rich merchants spend their money on charity?

Sample responses from children:

They also wanted to be famous.

They loved art.

They took pity on the artists.

They were patriots, they wanted to help Russian art.

They just sympathized with people.

Classroom teacher. Can you please tell me if P.M. Tretyakov and S.T. Morozov patriots?

Sample responses from children:

Of course, you can, because they preserved Russian art.

Yes, because they were offended that Russian artists live in poverty.

They are patriots, because they loved everything of their own, domestic.

They are patriots because they wanted the people in Russia to live no worse than in Europe.

Classroom teacher. Indeed, they were patriots, worried about the future of Russia. Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, Savva Timofeevich Morozov, like other Russian patrons of the arts, did not advertise themselves, did not like to be praised, extolled. They became patrons not for the sake of their own glory, but for the glory of the Fatherland, for the sake of preserving the national culture. Our Russian merchants, who were engaged in charity, were guided in their lives by the proverb, which we took as an epigraph for the class hour: "God gives wealth and will definitely ask for an account for it." What do you think the report is?

Sample responses from children:

A report on the money, where they spent it.

An account of how a man obtained this wealth.

If God gave them wealth, and they spend it on trinkets, then God will punish them and take away the wealth.

An account of the good deeds to which the money went.

Classroom teacher. Many "new Russians" are now buying yachts, luxury cars and mansions abroad. Do you think they will be able to account to God for their wealth?

Sample responses from children:

They will have nothing to say, because their homeland has not become richer from their wealth.

They have no right to show off their luxury if the country is so poor.

They say that you can’t make a lot of money with honest work, so they will account for dishonestly acquired capital.

Classroom teacher. And what could they do as a charity?

Sample responses from children:

Build a school, renovate a hospital, a stadium, a swimming pool.

Give money for the development of science.

Help talented youth.

Give money to the patient for a complex, expensive operation.

V. Modern Timurs

Classroom teacher. After the war, all the boys and girls dreamed of being like Timur, the hero of Arkady Gaidar's story "Timur and his team." Pioneer Timur was noble, courageous, courageous and strong. He assembled a team of guys and girls who defended the weak, helped the families of front-line soldiers, and did many good and useful deeds. At the same time, the Timurovites kept secrecy so that no one would guess about their good deeds. On the gates of those houses that they took under their protection, they drew a five-pointed star.

Guys, you all know that a bright and joyful holiday is approaching - Christmas. Christmas days are a time for charity, showing mercy, sincere attention to everyone who needs our participation, help and care. Let's think about what we can do for other people. Where can we find addresses for charity?

Sample responses from children:

You can donate your toys and children's books to children from large families.

You can buy groceries for the old lady next door.

You can tidy up your yard, sports ground.

You can stand up for the weak, whom everyone offends.

Classroom teacher. Winter holidays are coming. During these holidays you will have a lot of entertainment, gifts. And someone these days will be deprived of even the most necessary. Look around you and you will definitely see those who need help. These people live near you, in your houses and yards. Help them in any way you can: with a deed, a kind word, a treat, and this holiday will become even more joyful for you.

VI. Summarizing

Classroom teacher. What interesting things did you learn today? Maybe something made you think?

Sample responses from children:

I learned who sponsors, patrons, philanthropists are.

Good lesson.

Age of children: 7-8 years.

Class hour "Charity ... What is it?"

The purpose of the lesson: the formation of children's ideas about kindness, kindness, good, kind deeds, charity;

Lesson objectives:

teach children moral concepts: kindness, charity,

Cultivate mutual respect, polite treatment of others;

Develop children's creativity.

Forms of organizing children's activities: conversation, fantasy activity (fairy tale), making crafts (white paper flower)

Learning aids: computer, multimedia projector

Materials for children: white paper, scissors, glue, pencil

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

Beautiful fairies keep behind the forests
Huge crystal chest with miracles.
And if someone wants a miracle,
Then you can get this miracle from there.

Please sit down, guys, in your seats.


one). - Tell me, guys, would you like to find such a wonderful chest?

Of course, you all love miracles. There is a surprise in our magic chest - it's a fairy tale. It is unusual in that the wizard did not finish it. We will help him, but for this we will listen carefully ...
“In one small town, there lived a boy and a girl in the neighborhood. The guys recently turned 8 years old, they had the most ordinary appearance: short, thin, brown-eyed. The girl loved to swing and dream, and the boy liked to invent extraordinary stories in which he became a knight or a lifeguard. They often played together in the yard. But one day the boy found a magic hat in the yard. It looked like the most ordinary hat. But in fact, everyone who put it on gradually became invisible ... And the girl began to notice that every day she sees her friend less and less.

Sad lyrical music sounds.

What do you guys think, how will this fairy tale end?

I agree with you that good must overcome evil. But how? Let's come up with a continuation of this story together.

(The children are excited, they say that the girl is going to save a friend. There are a lot of answers. The task of the teacher is to build a coherent story with the help of leading questions, not to let them “go away” to the side. To lead the children to the idea that the whole world can save the boy. Be sure to come up with a happy end of story.)

2). Connection with reality.

Tell me, do people get sick in everyday life? Often? What should you do if you are sick?

Sometimes it is very difficult to cure the disease. As in our history, everyone needs help. Charity is “doing good,” good to help others, often strangers. If you gather many, many drops of dew together, you get the sea. And when many, many people put together a drop of kindness, you get an ocean of love. She will definitely save someone in this world.

Each of us can create a small miracle. Today in class we will make flowers out of white paper. Very soon our school will take part in the White Flower campaign. Your flowers will be exchanged for funds for sick children. Some of them will definitely get better!

3). Making a white paper flower.

    We fold 2 sheets of A4 format 4 times, so that in the end we get 8 blanks. On the top sheet, draw the contours of the future flower.

    Cut out pieces together. One petal must be cut from the first flower, two from the second, three from the third, etc.

    The edges of all petals should be glued together.

    As soon as the glue dries, you can collect a flower: in the middle - one petal, then two, three, and so on until the last blank.
    Thoroughly coat each part with glue, press a little to the base. It remains to glue the flower on the stem and glue the leaves.

4). Exhibition of student work.

5). Summarizing:

Tell me, how can you call a person who did not remain indifferent to someone else's grief?

What is charity?

To a happy world along a bright road
Only good people go without anxiety.
All good people, happy people
They work miracles and dream of a miracle.

Thank you for attention.

Thanks to the activities of the students of our class, the school took an active part in the action "White Flower". I still do not understand how we managed to collect 8 thousand rubles in 1 day. For some, such money is a trifle, but this is the first experience of such activity for us. My guys, despite such a young age, everyone wanted to be volunteers, distribute flowers on the street. There are 650 students in our school. Everyone was surprised at such interest and participation, because last year this action was not held at our school. Previously, flowers were made and taken to a church in our neighborhood. I hope we continue this good work.