What is unionless and allied subordination. Please help me, how to find a complex sentence with an allied and allied coordinating connection? With an allied and allied subordination? allied coordinating link

complex sentences with different types connections- This complex sentences , which consist of at least of three simple sentences , interconnected by a coordinating, subordinating and non-union connection.

To understand the meaning of such complex structures, it is important to understand how the simple sentences included in them are grouped together.

Often complex sentences with different types of connection are divided into two or more parts (blocks), connected with the help of coordinating unions or union-free; and each part in structure is either a complex sentence or a simple one.

For example:

1) [Sad I]: [No friend with me], (with whom I would wash down a long parting), (to whom I could shake hands from the heart and wish many merry years)(A. Pushkin).

This is a complex sentence with different types of communication: non-union and subordinating, consists of two parts (blocks) connected asylum-free; the second part reveals the reason for what is said in the first; The first part of the structure is a simple sentence; Part II is a complex sentence with two subordinate clauses, with homogeneous subordination.

2) [lane was all in the gardens], and [the fences grew lindens throwing now, by the moon, a wide shadow], (so that fences And gates on one side completely drowned in darkness)(A. Chekhov).

This is a complex sentence with different types of communication: coordinating and subordinating, consists of two parts connected by a coordinating connecting union and, the relations between the parts are enumerative; The first part of the structure is a simple sentence; Part II - a complex sentence with a subordinate clause; the subordinate clause depends on everything main, joins it with a union so.

In a complex sentence, there may be sentences with various types of allied and allied connection.

These include:

1) composition and submission.

For example: The sun set, and night followed day without interval, as is usually the case in the south.(Lermontov).

(And - a coordinating union, as - a subordinating union.)

Schematic of this offer:

2) composition and non-union connection.

For example: The sun had long since set, but the forest had not yet had time to subside: the doves murmured near, the cuckoo cuckooed in the distance.(Bunin).

(But - a coordinating conjunction.)

Schematic of this offer:

3) subordination and non-union communication.

For example: When he awoke, the sun was already rising; the barrow obscured him(Chekhov).

(When - subordinating union.)

Schematic of this offer:

4) composition, subordination and non-union connection.

For example: The garden was spacious and grew only oaks; they had only recently begun to blossom, so that now through the young leaves one could see the whole garden with its stage, tables and swings.

(And is a coordinating conjunction, so a subordinating conjunction.)

Schematic of this offer:

In complex sentences with a coordinating and subordinating connection, coordinating and subordinating unions may be nearby.

For example: The weather was fine all day, but when we sailed to Odessa, it began to rain heavily.

(But - a coordinating union, when - a subordinating union.)

Schematic of this offer:

Punctuation marks in sentences with different types of connection

In order to correctly punctuate complex sentences with different types of connection, it is necessary to single out simple sentences, determine the type of connection between them and select the appropriate punctuation mark.

As a rule, a comma is placed between simple sentences as part of a complex one with different types of connection.

For example: [In the morning, in the sun, the trees were covered with luxurious hoarfrost] , and [this went on for two hours] , [then the frost disappears] , [sun closed] , and [the day passed quietly, thoughtfully , with a drop in the middle of the day and anomalous lunar twilight in the evening].

Sometimes two, three or more simple offers most closely related to each other in meaning and can be separated from other parts of a complex sentence semicolon . Most often, a semicolon occurs in place of an allied connection.

For example: (When he woke up) [the sun was already rising] ; [the barrow obscured him].(The proposal is complex, with different types of connection: with allied and allied connection.)

In the place of an allied bond between simple sentences in complex possible Also comma , dash And colon , which are placed according to the rules for punctuation in a non-union complex sentence.

For example: [The sun has long since set] , But[the forest hasn't died down yet] : [doves murmured near] , [Cuckoo calls in the distance]. (The proposal is complex, with different types of connection: with allied and allied connection.)

[Leo Tolstoy saw a broken burdock] and [lightning flashes] : [there was an idea for an amazing story about Hadji Murad](Paust.). (The sentence is complex, with different types of connection: coordinative and non-union.)

In complex syntactic constructions that break up into large logical-syntactic blocks, which themselves are complex sentences or in which one of the blocks turns out to be a complex sentence, punctuation marks are placed at the junction of the blocks indicating the relationship of the blocks, while maintaining the internal signs placed on their own. own syntactic basis.

For example: [Bushes, trees, even stumps are so familiar to me here], (that wild clearing has become like a garden to me) : [every bush, every pine, fir-tree caressed], and [they all became mine], and [it's like I planted them], [this is my own garden](Prishv.) - at the junction of blocks there is a colon; [Yesterday a woodcock stuck its nose into this foliage] (to get a worm out from under it) ; [at this time we approached], and [he was forced to take off without throwing off the worn layer of old aspen leaves from his beak](Shv.) - at the junction of blocks there is a semicolon.

Particularly difficult is punctuation at the junction of the writing And subordinating unions (or a coordinating union and an allied word). Their punctuation is subject to the laws of the design of sentences with a coordinating, subordinating and non-union connection. However, at the same time, proposals in which several unions are nearby stand out and require special attention.

In such cases, a comma is placed between unions if the second part of the double union does not follow. then yes, but(in this case, the subordinate clause can be omitted). In other cases, a comma is not placed between the two unions.

For example: Winter was coming and , when the first frosts hit, it became hard to live in the forest. - Winter was approaching, and when the first frosts hit, it became hard to live in the forest.

You can call me but , If you don't call today, we'll leave tomorrow. You can call me, but if you don't call today, we'll leave tomorrow.

I think that , if you try hard, you will succeed. “I think that if you try hard, you will succeed.

Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence with different types of connection

Scheme for parsing a complex sentence with different types of connection

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative, incentive).

2. Indicate the type of sentence by emotional coloring (exclamatory or non-exclamatory).

3. Determine (by grammatical foundations) the number of simple sentences, find their boundaries.

4. Determine the semantic parts (blocks) and the type of connection between them (union-free or coordinative).

5. Give a description of each part (block) in terms of structure (simple or complex sentence).

6. Draw up a proposal scheme.


[Suddenly a thick fog], [as if separated by a wall He me from the rest of the world], and, (so as not to get lost), [ I decided

subordinating and
unionless relationship in
complex sentences
The world is illuminated by the sun
And man is illumined by knowledge!

Lesson Objectives:
– educational:
deepen students' understanding of the structure of a complex
practice punctuation in
complex sentence with different types of connection;
repeat spelling H-HH in words of different parts of speech
- developing: develop, compare, contrast,
make a conclusion, improve the skill of self-control
educational activities;
-educational: to educate the need correctly
evaluate their own activities, the culture of speech.

Vocabulary dictation

Task I
Vocabulary dictation
Captive-born cubs, polished
furniture, clay tablets, oil cream,
pickled cucumber, wounded fighter,
carnival, desired, ancient, smart
pupil, pewter, chips,
roasted in the oven, wounded in the arm,

Types of complex

Complex sentence -
this is a compound sentence
which are connected
coordinating conjunctions and
grammatically independent each other
from a friend, that is, they are in
equality relations,

complex sentence
such a complex sentence is called, parts
which are interconnected by subordinate
unions (or allied words) and are in
relations of formal inequality.
Example: . I don't want the world to recognize my mysterious
story. (M. Lermontov)
The first part is the main one, and the second one is
dependent (called the subordinate part).
The dependence of the second on the first part is formally
is found in the very possibility of logical
question from primary to dependent. Linked parts with
with the help of a subordinating union so that.

The grass is green
The sun is shining
Swallow with spring
It flies to us in the canopy.
(A. Pleshcheev)

Task 2
Oral group work.
Give a description of the proposals.
1. Again I visited that corner of the earth where I
spent two imperceptible years as an exile.
2. It was quiet in the garden, and only from somewhere
from afar came the sound of wheels.
3. I knew: the blow of fate would not bypass me.

Task 3 .
Determine the types of communication.
1. Children, passers-by, and that’s all
they were silent in anticipation of music, because it consoles
people, promises them happiness and a glorious life. (A.
2. We heard: a boat sailed along the river, and the soul became
easily. (V. Arseniev)

(To Sukhomlinsky)

Changed: we had too little time left.

Task 3 .
1. Children immediately gathered at the monument,
passers-by, and they all fell silent in anticipation
music because it comforts people
promises them happiness and a glorious life. (A.
- Composing and subordinating:
2. We heard: a boat sailed along the river, and
my heart became easy. (V. Arseniev)
- Unionless and composing:

Task 3 .
3. Put a hundred teachers above you - they will be
powerless if you cannot force yourself.
(To Sukhomlinsky)
- Unionless and submissive:
- , If()
4. After lunch, when the sun was at its zenith, we
decided to make a stop, but suddenly our plans
changed: we had too little time in
- Composing, subordinating, non-union:
[ , (when...), ], but:

in which there is a subordinating or coordinative connection, are significantly different from similar phrases and simple sentences. Further in the article we will consider the main differences between the mentioned structures.

General information

If we talk about phrases and simple sentences, then it is fair to say that the subordinating relationship can appear only in the first variant, while the composing type is more often used in the second. In the latter case, the task of converting to a common construction is performed, creating a series of homogeneous members. In complex structures, the coordinating and subordinating connection does not have such sharp differences. This is due to the fact that the same statement can be formulated using conjunctions of both types.

First difference

The use of composition and subordination helps to determine the semantic relationships that exist in simple and complex formulations. At the same time, there is a difference in the very structure of the utterance. Thus, the compositional connection does not create such clear boundaries. When using the second type of connection, parts of the statement are highlighted indicating the need to pay more attention to a particular fragment of the message.

Thus, we can say that the unions used in different variants differ in how they reveal relationships in expressions. In the case of a subordinating relationship, such types of relations as concessive, conditional-effect and causal, take an unambiguous form. At the same time, they are expressed by the unions "although", "because", "if". A coordinative connection in a sentence allows you to use the same union. It is the connecting element "and". But there are situations when the coordinative conjunctions "a" and "but", which are usually considered contrastive, can give the statement a shade of concession, conditions, consequences, comparisons and comparisons. In imperative expressions, conjunctions can create a condition in the message, which in the subordinating clause is expressed by the elements "if (instead, the particle "not" is allowed) ... then". Some interaction is found between composition and submission due to the fact that they cannot be considered absolutely opposite concepts.

Second difference

In complex constructions, the coordinative connection is an important independent element. But in simple structures, its task is to determine the relationship between members of a homogeneous sequence. In addition, a coordinative connection is included in a simple construction in order to enrich the statement with additional members. This is how it is transformed into a common one. In structures consisting of several parts, the coordinative connection is of greater importance.

Third difference

If we compare submission and composition with non-union, then the last two types of communication have much in common. This is explained by the semantic relationship within the structure. So, the coordinative connection reveals them in expression to a lesser extent. However, let's compare them in more detail. The writing connection is not only a syntactic, but also a lexical way of interaction. Thus, the relations that arise between phrases do not have a specific meaning, but only receive a certain characteristic. Coordinating conjunctions can also be combined with subordinating and various lexical elements. This creates a variety of syntactic constructions. As examples of the allied connection, various combinations of the service parts of speech "and", "here", "a", "well", "therefore", "because", "means" can be given. Subordinating conjunctions do not need additions, since they themselves can create clear boundaries for semantic segments.

Special cases

If a coordinating or non-union connection does not allow you to fully explore the relationships that exist in these sentences, then you need to turn to additional factors. They can be the general structure of the statement, as well as the introductory words, particles, various pronouns, turns present in it. In addition, inclinations and forms of time can highlight individual parts and indicate their features. In allied constructions, the meaning of the condition and the consequence is more noticeable when the imperative mood in the first sentence interacts (in the case of a complex formulation, its main part is meant) and other moods or other forms of time located in the second element (in the subordinate part).

Fourth difference

In complex sentences, the subordinate relationship is less multifaceted than in phrases and simple phrases. There are cases when part of the meaning of a complex structure formed from a set of simple ones is not realized. This may be due to the fact that a contradiction is likely to arise with the meaning of the subordinating union, as well as its complete change. An example would be the "when" connector. It is used in subordinating sentences. Its main value is an indicator of time. However, if the main part of the sentence describes any feelings, emotions, or someone's condition, then this union can turn from a temporary one into an investigative one. When in the subordinate clause something is evaluated, trying to determine the importance or significance, then the element "when" takes on the target value. In addition, this union may have a comparative meaning and carry an indication of inconsistency.

A sentence is a syntactic unit characterized by semantic and grammatical completeness. One of its main features is the presence of predicative parts. According to the number of grammatical bases, all sentences are simple or complex. Both of them perform their main function in speech - communicative.

Types of complex sentences in Russian

As part of a complex, two or more simple sentences are distinguished, interconnected by conjunctions or only intonation. At the same time, its predicative parts retain their structure, but lose their semantic and intonational completeness. Methods and means of communication determine the types of complex sentences. A table with examples allows you to identify the main differences between them.

Compound sentences

Their predicative parts are independent in relation to each other and equal in meaning. They can be easily divided into simple ones and rearranged. As a means of communication, coordinating unions are used, which are divided into three groups. On their basis, the following types of complex sentences with a coordinating connection are distinguished.

  1. With connecting unions: AND, ALSO, YES (= AND), ALSO, NOR ... NOR, NOT ONLY ... BUT AND, HOW ... SO AND, YES AND. In this case, parts of compound unions will be located in different simple sentences.

The whole city was already asleep, I Same went home. Soon Anton Not only read all the books in the home library, but also turned to his comrades.

A feature of compound sentences is that the events described in different predicative parts can occur simultaneously ( AND thunder rumbled, And the sun broke through the clouds), sequentially ( The train rumbled And a dump truck followed him) or one follows from the other ( It's already quite dark And had to disperse).

  1. With opposing unions: BUT, A, HOWEVER, YES (= BUT), ZATO, SAME. These types of complex sentences are characterized by the establishment of opposition relations ( Grandpa seemed to understand everything. But Grigory had to convince him of the need for a trip for a long time.) or matching ( Some fussed in the kitchen A others began to clean the garden) between its parts.
  2. With dividing unions: EITHER, OR, NOT THAT ... NOT THAT, THAT ... THAT, OR ... OR. The first two unions can be single or repetitive. It was time to get to work, or he was going to be fired. Possible relationships between parts: mutual exclusion ( Whether Pal Palych really had a headache, either he just got bored), alternation ( Her whole day That covered melancholy, That suddenly approached an inexplicable fit of fun).

Considering the types of complex sentences with a coordinating connection, it should be noted that the connecting unions ALSO, ALSO and the adversative SAME are always located after the first word of the second part.

The main types of complex sentences with a subordinate relationship

The presence of the main and dependent (subordinate) parts is their main quality. The means of communication are subordinating conjunctions or allied words: adverbs and relative pronouns. The main difficulty in distinguishing between them is that some of them are homonymous. In such cases, a hint will help: the allied word, unlike the union, is always a member of the sentence. Here are examples of such homoforms. I knew exactly What(union word, you can ask a question) I should look for. Tanya completely forgot What(union) the meeting was scheduled for the morning.

Another feature of NGN is the location of its predicative parts. The place of the adnexa is not clearly defined. It can stand before, after or in the middle of the main part.

Types of clauses in NGN

Traditionally, it is customary to correlate dependent parts with members of a sentence. Based on this, three main groups are distinguished into which such complex sentences are divided. Examples are presented in the table.

Type of adnexa


Means of communication



Which, which, whose, when, what, where, etc.

There was a house by the mountain, a roof whom already lost some weight.



What (s. and s.s.l.), how (s. and s.s.l.), so that, as if, as it were, either ... or who, like others.

Michael did not understand How solve the problem of.


When? How long?

When, while, how, barely, while, since, etc.

The boy waited until then Bye the sun hasn't set at all.

Where? Where? Where?

Where, where, from where

Izmestiev put the papers there, Where no one could find them.

Why? From what?

Because, since, because, due to the fact that etc.

The cab driver stopped for the horses suddenly snorted.


What follows from this?

It cleared up in the morning So the squad moved on.

Under what condition?

If, when (= if), if, once, in case

If the daughter did not call for a week, the mother involuntarily began to worry.

For what? For what purpose?

In order to, in order to, so that, in order to

Frolov was ready for anything to get this place.

Despite what? Against what?

Although, despite the fact that, let, for nothing, whoever, etc.

The evening was generally a success. Although and there were minor flaws in its organization.


How? Like what?

As, as, exactly, as if, as, as, as, as, as, as,

Snowflakes flew down in large, frequent flakes, as if someone poured them out of a bag.

Measures and degrees

To what extent?

What, to, how, as if, as if, how much, how much

There was such silence What it became somehow uncomfortable.


what (in indirect case), why, why, why = pronoun this

There was no car from what anxiety only increased.

NGN with multiple clauses

Sometimes a complex sentence may contain two or more dependent parts that relate to each other in different ways.

Depending on this, the following ways of linking simple to complex sentences are distinguished (examples help to build a diagram of the structures described).

  1. With consistent submission. The next subordinate part depends directly on the previous one. It seemed to me, What this day will never end because more and more problems.
  2. With parallel homogeneous subordination. Both (all) subordinate clauses depend on one word (the whole part) and belong to the same species. This construction resembles a sentence with homogeneous members. There can be coordinating conjunctions between subordinate clauses. It soon became clear What it was all just a bluff So what no major decisions were made.
  3. With parallel heterogeneous subordination. Dependents are of different types and refer to different words (of the whole part). Garden, which sown in May, already gave the first harvest, That's why life became easier.

Associative compound sentence

The main difference is that the parts are connected only in meaning and intonation. Therefore, the relationship between them comes to the fore. It is they who influence the punctuation marks: commas, dashes, colons, semicolons.

Types of non-union complex sentences

  1. The parts are equal, the order of their arrangement is free. Tall trees grew to the left of the road , to the right stretched a shallow ravine.
  2. The parts are unequal, the second:
  • reveals the contents of the 1st ( These sounds caused anxiety: (= namely) in the corner someone rustled insistently);
  • complements the 1st ( I peered into the distance: there appeared someone's figure);
  • indicates the reason Sveta laughed: (= since) the neighbor's face was smeared with mud).

3. Contrasting relationships between parts. This is manifested in the fact that:

  • the first indicates a time or condition ( I'm five minutes late - no one else);
  • into the second unexpected result ( Fedor just got overclocked - the opponent immediately remained in the tail); opposition ( The pain becomes unbearable - you endure); comparison ( Will look frowningly - Elena will immediately burn with fire).

JV with different types of communication

Often there are constructions that have three or more predicative parts in their composition. Accordingly, between them there can be coordinating and subordinating unions, allied words, or only punctuation marks (intonation and semantic relations). These are complex sentences (examples are widely presented in fiction) With various types connections. Michael has long wanted to change his life, But something constantly stopped him; as a result, the routine dragged him more and more every day.

The scheme will help to summarize information on the topic “Types of complex sentences”:

Allied and allied coordinating communication is one of the ways to build. Without them, speech is poor, because they provide more information and are able to contain two or more sentences that tell about different events.

Complex sentences and their types

Depending on the number of parts, complex structures are divided into two- and polynomial. In any of the options, the elements are connected either by an allied connection (which, in turn, is provided by the corresponding part of speech), or by an allied one.

Depending on what types of relationships are present, complex formations create the following groups:

  • Compound sentence with non-union and allied coordinating connection: The sky darkened sharply, a distant rumble was heard, and a wall of rain covered the ground, nailing the dust and washing away the city's smog.
  • Constructions that combine elements with a subordinate relationship, for example: The house we entered was depressing, but in this situation we had no choice..
  • Compound sentences with subordinating and non-union types of connections: No matter how he hurried, but his help was too late: the wounded were taken away by another car.
  • In polynomial constructions, subordinating, unionless and allied coordinating communication can be used simultaneously. The next time the phone rang, Mom answered it, but only heard the voice of a robot saying that her loan was overdue.

It is important to be able to distinguish between complex sentences and constructions complicated, for example, by homogeneous predicates. As a rule, in the first case, there are several grammatical bases in the syntactic lexical unit, while in the second there will be one subject and several predicates.

Unionless constructions

In this type of lexical constructions, 2 or more simple sentences can be combined, which are interconnected by intonation and meaning. They can be related to each other in the following ways:

  • The sentences are linked by an enumeration. The evening gradually faded away, the night fell to the earth, the moon began to rule the world.
  • Constructions in which elements are divided into several parts, two of which are opposing fragments. The weather was as ordered: the sky cleared of clouds, the sun shone brightly, a light breeze blew over the face, creating a slight coolness. In this non-union construction, the second fragment, consisting of 3 simple sentences connected by enumerative intonation, explains its first part.
  • Binary combination of simple elements into a polynomial complex structure, in which parts are combined into semantic groups: The moon rose over the ridge, we did not immediately notice it: the haze hid its radiance.

An allied, like an allied coordinating connection, in an integral connection separates individual sentences from each other with punctuation marks.

Commas in non-union polynomial constructions

In complex compounds, their parts are separated by commas, semicolons, dashes and colons. The comma and semicolon are used in enumeration relations:

  1. The parts are small in size and related to one another in meaning. Silence fell after the thunderstorm, followed by a light whisper of rain.
  2. When parts are too common and not connected by a single meaning, a semicolon is put. Daisies and poppies covered the entire clearing; Grasshoppers chirped somewhere below.

Unionless constructions are most often used to transfer a large number information that does not always make sense.

Dividing characters in non-union compounds

These signs are used for the following types of relations between the elements of a syntactic construction:

  • Dash - when the second part is sharply opposed to the first, for example: We knew about his fears - no one knew about the readiness to die.(In a similar construction with an allied, as well as an allied coordinating connection between the parts, I would like to put the union "but").
  • When the first part tells about a condition or time, then a dash is also placed between it and the second fragment. The rooster crowed - it's time to get up. In such sentences, the conjunctions “if” or “when” are suitable in meaning.
  • The same sign is put if the second part contains a conclusion about what was said in the first. I had no strength to object - he silently agreed. In such allied constructions, "therefore" is usually inserted.
  • When the second part of the sentence is compared and determined by what is told in the first. He gives a speech - breathes hope into people. In these constructions, you can add "as if" or "as if".
  • In sentences with an explanatory connection and justification of the reason, a colon is used. I will tell you in essence: you can not let your friends down.

Sentences with an allied, as well as an allied, coordinating connection between parts are separated by signs depending on their semantic relationship.

Compound constructions

In sentences of this type, a coordinative connection is used, carried out with the help of coordinating conjunctions. In this case, between their parts can be:

  • Connecting relationships connected by unions and, yes or, particles also, too, and neither ... nor. Birds don't chirp, mosquitoes don't chirp, cicadas don't chirp.
  • Unions are used in separating relations what and, or, particles whether ... whether, not that ... not that and others. Whether the wind brings an incomprehensible sound, then he himself is approaching us.
  • Sentences with both unionless and allied coordinating relations with comparative relations indicate the identity of events, but in the second case with the use of unions namely And that is. Everyone was happy for him, that is, that is what he read on their faces.
  • Explanatory relations tend to use conjunctions yes, but, ah, particles but, therefore and others. A blizzard was rampant outside the window, but it was warm near the fireplace in the living room.

Often, it is conjunctions and particles that explain what connects simple sentences into a single compound structure.

Complex sentences with mixed types of communication

Constructions, where there is an allied and allied coordinating connection at the same time, are quite common. Separate blocks can be distinguished in them, each of which contains a few simple sentences. Inside the blocks, some elements are connected with others in meaning and separated by punctuation marks with or without unions. In a complex sentence with a non-union and allied coordinative connection, the line between them is separating signs, although individual blocks may not be connected in meaning.

Complex sentences with different types of connection- This complex sentences , which consist of at least of three simple sentences , interconnected by a coordinating, subordinating and non-union connection.

To understand the meaning of such complex structures, it is important to understand how the simple sentences included in them are grouped together.

Often complex sentences with different types of connection are divided into two or more parts (blocks), connected with the help of coordinating unions or union-free; and each part in structure is either a complex sentence or a simple one.

For example:

1) [Sad I]: [No friend with me], (with whom I would wash down a long parting), (to whom I could shake hands from the heart and wish many merry years)(A. Pushkin).

This is a complex sentence with different types of communication: non-union and subordinating, consists of two parts (blocks) connected asylum-free; the second part reveals the reason for what is said in the first; The first part of the structure is a simple sentence; Part II is a complex sentence with two subordinate clauses, with homogeneous subordination.

2) [lane was all in the gardens], and [the fences grew lindens throwing now, by the moon, a wide shadow], (so that fences And gates on one side completely drowned in darkness)(A. Chekhov).

This is a complex sentence with different types of communication: coordinating and subordinating, consists of two parts connected by a coordinating connecting union and, the relations between the parts are enumerative; The first part of the structure is a simple sentence; Part II - a complex sentence with a subordinate clause; the subordinate clause depends on everything main, joins it with a union so.

In a complex sentence, there may be sentences with various types of allied and allied connection.

These include:

1) composition and submission.

For example: The sun set, and night followed day without interval, as is usually the case in the south.(Lermontov).

(And - a coordinating union, as - a subordinating union.)

Schematic of this offer:

2) composition and non-union connection.

For example: The sun had long since set, but the forest had not yet had time to subside: the doves murmured near, the cuckoo cuckooed in the distance.(Bunin).

(But - a coordinating conjunction.)

Schematic of this offer:

3) subordination and non-union communication.

For example: When he awoke, the sun was already rising; the barrow obscured him(Chekhov).

(When - subordinating union.)

Schematic of this offer:

4) composition, subordination and non-union connection.

For example: The garden was spacious and grew only oaks; they had only recently begun to blossom, so that now through the young leaves one could see the whole garden with its stage, tables and swings.

(And is a coordinating conjunction, so a subordinating conjunction.)

Schematic of this offer:

In complex sentences with a coordinating and subordinating connection, coordinating and subordinating unions may be nearby.

For example: The weather was fine all day, but when we sailed to Odessa, it began to rain heavily.

(But - a coordinating union, when - a subordinating union.)

Schematic of this offer:

Punctuation marks in sentences with different types of connection

In order to correctly punctuate complex sentences with different types of connection, it is necessary to single out simple sentences, determine the type of connection between them and select the appropriate punctuation mark.

As a rule, a comma is placed between simple sentences as part of a complex one with different types of connection.

For example: [In the morning, in the sun, the trees were covered with luxurious hoarfrost] , and [this went on for two hours] , [then the frost disappears] , [sun closed] , and [the day passed quietly, thoughtfully , with a drop in the middle of the day and anomalous lunar twilight in the evening].

Sometimes two, three or more simple offers most closely related to each other in meaning and can be separated from other parts of a complex sentence semicolon . Most often, a semicolon occurs in place of an allied connection.

For example: (When he woke up) [the sun was already rising] ; [the barrow obscured him].(The proposal is complex, with different types of connection: with allied and allied connection.)

In the place of an allied bond between simple sentences in complex possible Also comma , dash And colon , which are placed according to the rules for punctuation in a non-union complex sentence.

For example: [The sun has long since set] , But[the forest hasn't died down yet] : [doves murmured near] , [Cuckoo calls in the distance]. (The proposal is complex, with different types of connection: with allied and allied connection.)

[Leo Tolstoy saw a broken burdock] and [lightning flashes] : [there was an idea for an amazing story about Hadji Murad](Paust.). (The sentence is complex, with different types of connection: coordinative and non-union.)

In complex syntactic constructions that break up into large logical-syntactic blocks, which themselves are complex sentences or in which one of the blocks turns out to be a complex sentence, punctuation marks are placed at the junction of the blocks indicating the relationship of the blocks, while maintaining the internal signs placed on their own. own syntactic basis.

For example: [Bushes, trees, even stumps are so familiar to me here], (that wild clearing has become like a garden to me) : [every bush, every pine, fir-tree caressed], and [they all became mine], and [it's like I planted them], [this is my own garden](Prishv.) - at the junction of blocks there is a colon; [Yesterday a woodcock stuck its nose into this foliage] (to get a worm out from under it) ; [at this time we approached], and [he was forced to take off without throwing off the worn layer of old aspen leaves from his beak](Shv.) - at the junction of blocks there is a semicolon.

Particularly difficult is punctuation at the junction of the writing And subordinating unions (or a coordinating union and an allied word). Their punctuation is subject to the laws of the design of sentences with a coordinating, subordinating and non-union connection. However, at the same time, proposals in which several unions are nearby stand out and require special attention.

In such cases, a comma is placed between unions if the second part of the double union does not follow. then yes, but(in this case, the subordinate clause can be omitted). In other cases, a comma is not placed between the two unions.

For example: Winter was coming and , when the first frosts hit, it became hard to live in the forest. - Winter was approaching, and when the first frosts hit, it became hard to live in the forest.

You can call me but , If you don't call today, we'll leave tomorrow. You can call me, but if you don't call today, we'll leave tomorrow.

I think that , if you try hard, you will succeed. “I think that if you try hard, you will succeed.

Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence with different types of connection

Scheme for parsing a complex sentence with different types of connection

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative, incentive).

2. Indicate the type of sentence by emotional coloring (exclamatory or non-exclamatory).

3. Determine (by grammatical foundations) the number of simple sentences, find their boundaries.

4. Determine the semantic parts (blocks) and the type of connection between them (union-free or coordinative).

5. Give a description of each part (block) in terms of structure (simple or complex sentence).

6. Draw up a proposal scheme.


[Suddenly a thick fog], [as if separated by a wall He me from the rest of the world], and, (so as not to get lost), [ I decided

For the correct formulation and presentation of their own thoughts, schoolchildren and adults need to learn how to correctly place semantic accents in writing. If in life we ​​often use simple constructions, then in writing we use complex sentences with different types of connection. Therefore, it is important to know the features of their construction.

In contact with


What types of communication proposals used in Russian :

  • coordinative with and without unions, when the components of the syntactic construction are independent, equal in relation to each other;
  • subordination, unionless and allied, when one part of the structure is the main one, and the second is dependent;
  • allied, coordinating and subordinating, expressed with the help of coordinating or subordinating unions and allied words;

Complex sentences consist of several simple ones, therefore they have more than two grammatical bases. When meeting them, do not be surprised and remember that there can be not only 2 or 3 parts, but on average up to 10-15. They constantly combine different types of communication.

The main types of complex sentences with examples:

  1. Unionless.
  2. Compound.
  3. Complex sentences.
  4. Structures with different types of connection.

An example of a unionless relationship: The wind drives the clouds to the edge of heaven, the broken spruce groans, the winter forest whispers something.

It is necessary to note the main feature of constructions with a coordinative connection. The function of a coordinative connection is to show the equality of parts within a complex sentence, it is done with the help of intonation and the use of coordinating unions. Unionless communication can also be used.

How are compound sentences constructed? examples with diagrams :

The firmament cleared of hanging clouds - and the bright sun came out.

The fields were empty, the autumn forest became dark and transparent.

Sentences of the fourth type usually consist of three or more parts that are connected to each other in different ways. To better understand the meaning of such constructions, how to learn how complex sentences with different types of connection are built and grouped. Often, sentences are divided into several blocks, connected without union or with the help of a coordinating connection, while each of the parts represents a simple or complex sentence.

Dependent parts can have different semantic meanings, according to this feature complex sentences are divided into several groups.


They serve to characterize and reveal the attribute of the noun being defined from the main clause. Join with and : where, from where, where, which, what. They are found only inside the main or after it. Questions can be posed to them: what?, whose?


How painfully hot in those hours when noon hung in silence and heat.

For a long time he admired, smiling, his capricious beloved daughter, who thought, not noticing anything around.


They refer to words that have the meaning of thoughts (to reflect), feelings (to be sad), speech (answered, said), in order to reveal in detail the meaning of the main word, to clarify, to supplement. They also include demonstrative words - that, that, that, to which the dependent clause is attached. Connected by unions what, to, as if, as if.


The guy quickly realized that the girlfriend's parents are not particularly smart, and thought out a further strategy.

This could be seen from the fact that he drove several times with his cart around the yard until he found the hut.


They are related to or to words that have adverbial meaning. Let's name their varieties and ways of attaching to the main word:

  • time, specify the period of time when the action is performed, subordinating temporary unions are used for communication: when, until what time (When it was about the war, the stranger lowered his head and thought);
  • places, talking about the place, are connected with the main word by allied words-adverbs: where, where, from where (Leaves, wherever you look, were yellow or golden);
  • conditions that reveal under what circumstances this or that action is possible, are joined by subordinate conjunctions: if, if ..., then. They can start with particles - so, then (If it rains, then the tent will need to be moved higher);
  • degree, specifies the measure or degree of action I in question, you can put questions to them: to what extent? to what extent? (The rain stopped so quickly that the ground did not have time to get wet.);
  • goals, they tell what goal the action pursues and is connected by target unions: so that (In order not to be late, he decided to leave early);
  • reasons, union is used for joining - because(He did not complete the task because he fell ill);
  • the manner of action, indicate exactly how the action was performed, are joined by subordinating unions: as if, as if, exactly (the Forest was covered in snow, as if someone had bewitched it);
  • consequences serve to clarify the result of an action, you can ask them a question - as a result of what? Join the union - So(The snow shone brighter in the sun, so that my eyes hurt);
  • concessions, unions are used to join them: let it, although, despite. Allied words can be used (how, how much) with a particle neither (No matter how hard you try, nothing will work without knowledge and skills).

Building offer schemes

Let's take a look at what an offer scheme is. This is a graphic showing the structure proposals in a compact form.

Let's try to draw up schemes of sentences, which include two or more subordinate clauses. To do this, let's turn to examples with different inflected parts of speech.

Complicated sentences may consist of several subordinate clauses, which have a different relationship with each other.

There are the following types of offer links:

  • homogeneous or associative;
  • parallel (centralized);
  • sequential (chain, linear).


Characterized the following signs:

  • all subordinate clauses can be attributed to the whole main thing or to one of the words;
  • subordinate clauses are the same in meaning, answer one question;
  • coordinating unions are connected or unionless communication is used;
  • intonation during pronunciation is enumerative.

Examples and offer linear schemes:

I noticed how the stars began to blur (1), how a coolness swept by with a light breath (2).

, (how how…).

Sometimes subordinate clauses are represented by a cascade of explanatory sentences, depending on one word in the main part:

It is not known where she lived (1), who she was (2), why a Roman artist painted her portrait (3) and what she was thinking about in the picture (4).

, (where ...), (who ...), (why ...) and (about what ...).


Such complex sentences have subordinate clauses with different meanings belonging to several types

Here are examples of sentences with diagrams:

When our boat sailed from the ship to the shore, we noticed that women and children began to run away from the settlement.

(When that…).

Here two subordinate clauses depend on the main clause: tense and explanatory.

Constructions can create a chain, which can be depicted in the diagram as follows:

In some places, houses were crowded, which in their color were similar to the surrounding rocks, that one had to be closer to distinguish them.

, (which ...), (what ...), (to ...).

Possible and another variant when one sentence is inside another. Sometimes constructions are combined, linking with one subordinate clause within another.

At first, the blacksmith was terribly frightened when the devil raised his devil so high that nothing could be seen below, and rushed under the very moon so that he could catch it with his hat.

, (when…, (what…), and…), (what…).

The proposals use various punctuation marks:

  • comma, example: The final remark of the sister-in-law ended already on the street, where she went on her urgent business;
  • semicolon: Some time later, everyone in the village was fast asleep; only a month hung high in the luxurious Ukrainian sky;
  • colon: It happened like this: at night the tank got stuck in a swamp and drowned;
  • dash: Thick hazel bushes will block your path, if you hurt yourself on a prickly thorn bush - stubbornly go forward.


Simple structures are connected to one another in a chain:

There is a known knot on a tree trunk, on which you put your foot when you want to climb an apple tree.

, (on which ...), (when ...).

Determination procedure

What plan determines the types of communication of sentences in a letter. We offer a step-by-step guide that is suitable for any occasion:

  • read the offer carefully;
  • highlight all grammatical bases;
  • divide the structure into parts and number them;
  • find allied words and conjunctions, in their absence, take into account intonation;
  • determine the nature of the connection.

​If available two independent parts, then this is a sentence with a coordinating connection. When one sentence names the reason for what is being discussed in another, then this is a complex sentence with subordination.

Attention! Adventitious constructions can be replaced either by adverbial turnover. Example: In the black sky dotted with myriads of small stars, soundless lightning appeared here and there.

Learning Russian - complex sentences with different types of connection

Types of communication in complex sentences


The types of connection of sentences depend on their classification. They use . The schemes are very diverse, there are many interesting options. Graphic drawing of a proposal allows you to quickly determine construction and sequence of all components, highlight the basics, find the main thing and correctly punctuate.

Unionless constructions

In this type of lexical constructions, 2 or more simple sentences can be combined, which are interconnected by intonation and meaning. They can be related to each other in the following ways:

  • The sentences are linked by an enumeration. The evening gradually faded away, the night fell to the earth, the moon began to rule the world.
  • Constructions in which elements are divided into several parts, two of which are opposing fragments. The weather was as ordered: the sky cleared of clouds, the sun shone brightly, a light breeze blew over the face, creating a slight coolness. In this non-union construction, the second fragment, consisting of 3 simple sentences connected by enumerative intonation, explains its first part.
  • Binary combination of simple elements into a polynomial complex structure, in which parts are combined into semantic groups: The moon rose over the ridge, we did not immediately notice it: the haze hid its radiance.

An allied, like an allied coordinating connection, in an integral connection separates individual sentences from each other with punctuation marks.

Commas in non-union polynomial constructions

In complex compounds, their parts are separated by commas, semicolons, dashes and colons. The comma and semicolon are used in enumeration relations:

  1. The parts are small in size and related to one another in meaning. Silence fell after the thunderstorm, followed by a light whisper of rain.
  2. When parts are too common and not connected by a single meaning, a semicolon is put. Daisies and poppies covered the entire clearing; Grasshoppers chirped somewhere below.

Associative constructions are most often used to convey a large amount of information that is not always connected in meaning.

Dividing characters in non-union compounds

These signs are used for the following types of relations between the elements of a syntactic construction:

  • Dash - when the second part is sharply opposed to the first, for example: We knew about his fears - no one knew about the readiness to die.(In a similar construction with an allied, as well as an allied coordinating connection between the parts, I would like to put the union "but").
  • When the first part tells about a condition or time, then a dash is also placed between it and the second fragment. The rooster crowed - it's time to get up. In such sentences, the conjunctions “if” or “when” are suitable in meaning.
  • The same sign is put if the second part contains a conclusion about what was said in the first. He had no strength to object - he silently agreed. In such allied constructions, "therefore" is usually inserted.
  • When the second part of the sentence is compared and determined by what is told in the first. He gives a speech - breathes hope into people. In these constructions, you can add "as if" or "as if".
  • In sentences with an explanatory connection and justification of the reason, a colon is used. I will tell you in essence: you can not let your friends down.

Sentences with an allied, as well as an allied, coordinating connection between parts are separated by signs depending on their semantic relationship.

Compound constructions

In sentences of this type, a coordinative connection is used, carried out with the help of coordinating conjunctions. In this case, between their parts can be:

  • Connecting relationships connected by unions and, yes or, particles also, too, and neither ... nor. Birds don't chirp, mosquitoes don't chirp, cicadas don't chirp.
  • Unions are used in separating relations what and, or, particles whether ... whether, not that ... not that and others. Whether the wind brings an incomprehensible sound, then he himself is approaching us.
  • Sentences with both unionless and allied coordinating relations with comparative relations indicate the identity of events, but in the second case with the use of unions namely And that is. Everyone was happy for him, that is, that is what he read on their faces.
  • Explanatory relations tend to use conjunctions yes, but, ah, particles but, therefore and others. A blizzard was rampant outside the window, but it was warm near the fireplace in the living room.

Often, it is conjunctions and particles that explain what connects simple sentences into a single compound structure.

Complex sentences with mixed types of communication

Constructions, where there is an allied and allied coordinating connection at the same time, are quite common. Separate blocks can be distinguished in them, each of which contains a few simple sentences. Inside the blocks, some elements are connected with others in meaning and separated by punctuation marks with or without unions. In a complex sentence with a non-union and allied coordinative connection, the line between them is separating signs, although individual blocks may not be connected in meaning.

Please))))) 1) Replace the bookish word reverent in the sentence with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write it as a synonym. Ian looked

upon him with awe.

2) In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas between parts of a complex sentence connected by a subordinating relationship. To shoot him now, (1) when he was resting, (2) unaware of the danger, (3) it would be a crime ... But Yang has longed for this meeting for a long time, (4) he must shoot!

3) Among sentences 1-4, find a complex sentence with heterogeneous (parallel) and sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

1) The hunting season was already drawing to a close when Jan, one windy frosty morning, met a woodcutter he knew. 2) The woodcutter told him that he saw a giant deer in the forest, which had a whole forest of horns on its head. 3) Jan realized that this was exactly the deer that he had been tracking for a long time, and quickly went in the direction that the woodcutter indicated to him. 4) Soon he attacked tracks that undoubtedly belonged to the deer of the Sand Hills.

4) Among sentences 26-31, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied coordinating connection. Write the number of this offer.

26) Poor, beautiful animal! 27) For a long time we were enemies: I was a persecutor, you are a victim, but now everything has changed. 28) For many days I pursued you, and now you can stand before me without fear. 29) Never my hand will not rise to kill you.30) Go, wander without fear through the wooded hills: I will never pursue you again.

5) How do you understand the meaning of the word humanity? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay on the topic: What is humanity, taking as a thesis the definition you gave. Argument your thesis, give an example from your life experience.


Among sentences 1-9, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied coordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Our mathematics teacher's name was Kharlampy Diogenovich.
(2) His main weapon is to make a person funny.
(3) A student who deviates from the rules of the school is not lazy. not a lazybones, not a hooligan, but just a funny person.
(4) It must be said that Kharlampy Diogenovich did not give anyone privileges: anyone could turn out to be funny.
(5) Of course, I also did not escape the common fate.
(6) I didn't solve my homework problem that day.
(7) In general, the task was somehow confusing, and my solution did not agree with the answer in any way.
(8) The lesson began, and Kharlampy Diogenovich began to look around the class, choosing a victim. - I held my breath.
(9) At that moment, the door suddenly opened and a doctor and a nurse appeared.
Just let's be serious. it is very important.

Help please! From these simple sentences, make complex sentences using the appropriate

in terms of subordinating conjunctions: after, as soon as, barely, before, before, before. Put a comma between parts of a compound sentence.