Favorable environment for the development of various. Spread of microbes in nature. What happens to microorganisms during the bactericidal phase

The need to create a favorable living environment is largely determined by the ways and methods of solving social and environmental problems, as well as housing, commercial, household and public services, and the possibilities of rational organization of leisure. Economic reforms, on the one hand, had a positive impact on the renewal of the appearance of a number of large cities (Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Samara), but on the other hand, they drastically reduced the social opportunities of medium and small towns - the miserable existence of the population became sad and had great social consequences fact.

The creation of a favorable living environment begins with the rational, thoughtful implementation of architectural and planning transformations, the comprehensive improvement of housing and cultural and living conditions for people. Unfortunately, cities are increasingly faced with departmentalism and spontaneity in the construction of housing and cultural facilities. The architectural service of the city approaches these issues to a certain extent mechanically: whether or not this or that object fits into the architectural ensemble. As a result, cities often suffer from scattered industrial and cultural facilities, complicating the lives of tens of thousands of people.

The systematic development of the city, the consistent development of new and vacated areas, the appearance of its quarters, main streets, and improvement can only be carried out on the basis of the combined efforts of city authorities, enterprises and organizations of the city.

For all the importance of socio-spatial and architectural and planning problems of cities, social mood, well-being, people's satisfaction with their place of residence, the ability to realize material and spiritual needs are decisive. Overcrowding, the facelessness of the urban environment, the lack of proper social control are interspersed with such urgent issues as the housing problem, the spread of mass culture, the growth of dysfunctional families, the involvement of young people in various forms of deviant behavior, and the growth of crime. The alienation of people, the growth of loneliness, the lack of mercy (concern for the elderly, offended by fate, uncompetitive, etc.) are becoming more and more noticeable. The central figure should be a person, and the main task - the organization of his life.

The intellectual potential of the city, the spiritual atmosphere in it is created by people with general and special training. Taking care of increasing their number and level of influence is the key to the development of culture in the city.

It is impossible to imagine a modern city without spiritual culture, constant development of cultural and educational institutions, cinema services, libraries, theaters, museums, concert halls, cultural parks. One of the main questions remains the organization of the effective use of free time, which is a friend of a person, but under certain circumstances becomes his enemy.

The social development of the city involves the implementation of measures to systematically influence negative processes: drug addiction, prostitution, organized crime, delinquency, child neglect, offenses against the rules and norms of behavior and hostel, any manifestations of an antisocial nature.

The vulnerable side of urban life is trade and consumer services, the creation of their modern base, the introduction of new methods of work, and the improvement of the culture of life. Unfortunately, in most cities the "social rear" is hopelessly behind, and does not meet generally accepted moral standards.

Designing conditions for human activity in the sphere of family and life begins with taking care of housing. The sharpness of this social problem does not decrease. There are still many complaints about the quality of housing, as it does not always and everywhere meet a high level of comfort.

At present, the solution to the problem of housing is connected with its privatization, with the reform of the public utilities sector, when the orientation of the state was clearly indicated to shift these concerns onto the shoulders of the citizens themselves. Undoubtedly, without solving the larger problems of people's life support, such an approach only exacerbates social contradictions in society, because it exacerbates the plight of a significant number of residents.

small and medium enterprises

The regions of the Southern Federal District differ significantly in terms of the level of development of small and medium-sized businesses. The indicators of the leaders - the Krasnodar Territory and the Rostov Region, as a rule, are higher than the Russian average, comparable to the Moscow Region, which has favorable factors for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. For example, in 2008, the proportion of medium-sized firms in the Krasnodar Territory was 4 percent, in the Rostov Region 3.2 percent, small businesses - 3.1 and 2.5 percent, respectively, micro-enterprises - 3.3 and 2.5 percent. Individual retailers are very active in the Southern Federal District.

On the other hand, the Astrakhan region, the Republic of Adygea and the Republic of Kalmykia are characterized by low levels of development of legal entrepreneurship (medium, small and micro). The Volgograd Region occupies a middle position.

The most important direction of state support for entrepreneurship is to strengthen the interaction, cooperation of small and medium-sized firms, small and large enterprises of the Southern Federal District for effective access to new technologies, the distribution of risks in various forms of joint economic activity, joint entry into foreign markets, the organization of joint research and development work, sharing knowledge and capital assets, accelerating learning processes through the concentration and contacts of world-class specialists. Foreign experience shows that innovative firms are always more active in inter-firm cooperation. Networks of small and medium-sized firms will become key participants in the emerging new economic clusters and new industrial areas of the Southern Federal District.

To maintain sustainable economic growth in the Southern Federal District, the number of people employed in small and medium-sized businesses should increase by more than 4 times in 2020 (against the level of 2008-2009) and account for slightly less than half of all employed in the economy (in 2008 - about 10 percent). The pace of development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Okrug will outpace the rates envisaged by the project "Development of small and medium-sized businesses": the number of small and medium-sized enterprises per 1 thousand people in 2012-2015 will be 20 (according to Russian Federation- 17), the share of gross domestic product created by small and medium-sized businesses - 30 - 40 percent (in Russia - 25 - 35 percent); in 2016 - 2020, the number of small and medium-sized enterprises per 1 thousand people will be 22 (in Russia - 20), and the share of gross domestic product created by small and medium-sized enterprises will increase to 45 percent (in Russia - up to 40 percent) .

To achieve these indicators, it is necessary to continue applying a program-targeted approach to the implementation of powers at the local level, including through co-financing of municipal programs for the development of small and medium-sized businesses from regional and federal budgets, increasing the transparency of state and municipal services through their prompt transfer to electronic type, development of a system of multifunctional centers, development of a network of infrastructure to support small and medium-sized businesses, including those that help expand access to financial, property, information, educational, consulting support, eliminate administrative barriers, protect the rights and legitimate interests of small and medium-sized businesses.

The specifics of measures to support entrepreneurship in the Southern Federal District is active work at the local level to increase the availability of land plots by increasing the transparency of this procedure, creating a system informing about the availability of plots and production areas, and other measures.

Promoting entrepreneurship in large agglomerations and remote rural areas will inevitably be differentiated. In the first case, efforts will be directed to a significant increase in the share of small and medium-sized businesses (oil and gas service companies, environmental services, geological exploration, etc.) in the production of innovative and high-tech products (up to 6 times), as well as in the production of services in the basic sectors of the economy. To do this, dozens of new technology parks and business incubators of various specializations will be created, a special policy will be implemented to support small and medium-sized businesses throughout the structure of clusters - in production, the supply chain, among consumers.

To support start-up small innovative companies, grant programs will be initiated at higher educational institutions of the district. Operating innovative companies will be provided with subsidies to compensate for the costs of developing new products, services and methods of their production (transfer), as well as new production processes, the purchase of machinery and equipment related to technological innovation, the acquisition of new technologies.

Special support measures will be aimed at creating conditions for the development of the export potential of small enterprises, including through the development of support programs for competitive and export-oriented projects.

Significant efforts will be focused on stimulating cooperation between large, medium and small businesses (by holding supplier conferences in priority clusters, exhibitions and fairs, developing industry and cluster business associations and subcontracting exchanges) and ensuring the integration of small businesses with educational institutions (conducting seminars, inclusion of business representatives in diploma and attestation commissions, organization of internships at small and medium-sized enterprises).

In remote rural areas of the district, priority measures will be to stimulate the development of small-scale industrial production in the field of food, light industry, woodworking, construction, small-scale and small-scale mechanical engineering, transport and logistics, packaging, retail trade, development of a system of credit cooperation and microfinance, formation of consulting and production infrastructure , information and educational support.

A necessary condition for the recovery of the economy of the Southern Federal District, contributing to lower prices and improve the quality of products and services, is to ensure the competitiveness of all market participants, the full development of competition. The regional competition development programs developed and approved in the constituent entities of the Southern Federal District, along with the Competition Development Program in the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 19, 2009 No. to the construction of competitive relations and the creation of a competitive environment.

Microbes are widely distributed in nature: in soil, water, air, which are the centers of activity of various microflora.

Soil microflora. The most favorable environment for the development of microbes is the soil, in 1 g of which there are up to several billion microbes. The development of microbes in the soil is facilitated by the nutrients (organic, mineral) present in it, constant humidity and temperature, and the absence of sunlight, which has a detrimental effect on microbes. Most microbes are found at a depth of 1 to 30 cm. There are fewer of them in sandy soil than in chernozem soil. Some microbes cleanse the soil of animal and plant residues by mineralizing complex organic substances. However, the soil can also be contaminated with pathogenic microbes that got there with the corpses of animals, garbage, which cause various human diseases.

Pathogenic microbes, as a rule, do not live permanently in the soil, but getting into it can persist for some time. So in the soil there can be pathogens of dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera, which survive in it for up to 30-40 days, and spores of anthrax, tetanus, botulinum, gas gangrene remain in it for years.

Plant roots with their secretions, antagonist microbes, frequent changes in soil moisture and temperature have a detrimental effect on microbes.

Soil is the main reservoir from which microbes enter water and air.

Water microflora. For some microorganisms, water is a natural habitat, especially in open water bodies - in rivers, lakes, ponds, less in artesian water. Water pollution can be up to a million microbes in 1 ml.

With sewage, secretions of sick people and animals, pathogenic microbes can enter the water: Vibrio cholerae, causative agents of typhoid fever, dysentery, anthrax bacilli, etc. They remain in the water for a long time. So Vibrio cholerae survives in water up to several months, the causative agent of tuberculosis up to 5 months, salmonella up to 3 months.

Water contaminated with pathogenic microbes can cause mass diseases of people. Especially dangerous is fecal contamination of water, in which pathogens of gastrointestinal infections are found. Water in nature can be polluted by industrial effluents containing various chemically active substances: ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, nitric acid salts, chlorides, phosphoric acid salts.

Such water should be subjected to thorough cleaning - to defend, filter, ozonize, process ultraviolet rays etc. at special treatment plants. With moderate pollution of water bodies, the purity of water can be restored after a while as a result of the natural process of self-purification (settlement of particles, oxidation of polluting particles, utilization of chemical contaminants by microbes, participation of bacteriophages, insect larvae, fish fry, etc.). Thus, the natural state of water bodies is restored .

Air microflora. Air is an unfavorable environment for the life of microorganisms and its purity depends on the degree of dust content and pollution with emissions from industrial enterprises. The air is cleaner in winter than in summer; over oceans and seas is cleaner than over land; over forest areas cleaner than over plowed land; The countryside is cleaner than the city. The lower layers of air are more contaminated with microbes (1 m 3 of air contains tens of thousands of microorganisms). Many germs can be in the air of industrial premises. Pathogenic microbes of tuberculosis, diphtheria, influenza and other diseases can be in the air.

Improving the air of the natural environment, industrial premises is an important daily task.

It is possible to purify the air in the premises by ventilation, systematic wet cleaning, bactericidal lamps, disinfectants and other methods.

Microflora of the human body. Microbes constantly live on human skin and in internal organs. As a result of communication with nature and with people, a person experiences an “exchange” of microflora. Microbes enter the human body with food, water, and air.

Despite the great diversity of the surrounding microflora, each person has its individual specificity.

The microflora of the oral cavity is very diverse. Temperature, humidity, alkaline reaction of saliva, food debris - all this favors the development of various microorganisms. There are a lot of micrococci, streptococci, staphylococci, vibrios, spirochetes, bacilli, yeast, etc. in the mouth. Tuberculosis bacillus, diphtheria bacillus, meningococci, etc. are found in sick people, bacteria carriers. Dental plaque, teeth affected by caries, tonsils are abundantly seeded with microbes.

Daily brushing of teeth at night and in the morning, rinsing the mouth after eating, healthy teeth - all this will save a person from many diseases.

The respiratory organs do not have a permanent microflora and are completely dependent on the content of microbes in the inhaled air.

The microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is abundant and diverse. Every day, a person excretes hundreds of billions of microorganisms from the intestines. E. coli, some cocci, proteus and many other saprophytes constantly live in the intestine. Patients and bacteria carriers are found to have dysenteric and typhoid bacilli, salmonella, etc. Therefore, all public catering workers are systematically examined for bacteria carriers.

Human hands are contaminated with microbes from environment(air, objects) and from all other parts of the body. Various microbes dangerous to human health are found on the hands, causing dysentery, typhoid fever, hepatitis, salmonellosis, etc. The presence of Escherichia coli on the hands indicates a low sanitary culture of a person who does not observe the sanitary rules of personal hygiene (does not wash his hands before eating, before cooking , after the toilet), about unsatisfactory sanitary and hygienic conditions of work and life.

Maintaining a normal state of health, cleanliness of hands, the whole body, and the oral cavity are necessary for all people, especially catering workers.

"Good living environment" is - the formation of conditions for comfortable living in the city.

  1. Ecology.

  2. Architecture and urban planning.

  3. Housing.

  4. Transport.

  5. Favorable social environment.

  6. Safe city.

  7. City image.
The purpose of the referral "Ecology" is - minimizing the adverse impact of the environment on the health of city residents, providing comfortable living conditions, activities, and recreation.

Since 2004, the city of Cherepovets has been implementing the city target program "Reducing the impact of environmental factors on the health of the population living in the zone of influence of industrial enterprises" for 2004-2015; approved the Comprehensive Action Plan to reduce anthropogenic impact on the environment and public health until 2015. Since 2004, there has been an annual increase in the number of activities implemented within the framework of these documents. Eighteen enterprises of the city have developed measures to reduce the volume of gross emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air, the volume of discharges of insufficiently treated wastewater, and the volume of industrial waste placed. The volume of funds allocated by enterprises in 2003-2011 for the development of environmental projects and their implementation amounted to 22.86 billion rubles.

The volume of gross emissions of pollutants entering the atmospheric air from stationary sources for the period 2003 to 2011 decreased by 18.0 thousand tons per year, including the reduction of gross emissions in the amount of 16.4 thousand tons. tons per year.

From 2003 to 2011, the volume of pollutant emissions from vehicles increased by 9.48 thousand tons per year; since 2008, monitoring of the state of atmospheric air on the main highways of the city has been organized. At 16 controlled points, measurements are made for 4 pollutants - nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, dust and formaldehyde. At all points of observation, the maximum one-time concentrations of harmful substances over a 3-year period did not exceed the permissible standards.

According to atmospheric monitoring since 2005, the average annual concentrations of nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, dust, ammonia, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbon disulfide (except for 2009), phenol and sulfur dioxide in the residential part of the city do not exceed hygienic standards. The average annual concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene and formaldehyde remain above the established hygienic standards.

The air pollution index for the analyzed period decreased from 19.8 units. "very high" (2003) up to 9.9 units. "high" (2011). The volume of wastewater discharges into the environment in 2011 amounted to 79.1 million cubic meters, which is 33.6 million cubic meters less than in 2003. The mass of pollutants entering natural water bodies with wastewater decreased by 4.2 thousand tons by 2011 compared to 2003. For the period from 2006 to 2011, there has been a deterioration in the quality of surface waters of the Yagorba and Sheksna rivers entering the city .

For the period from 2003 to 2011, pollution of the city's water supply source - the Sheksna River - (according to sanitary-chemical and microbiological indicators) exceeding the standards by 5 or more times was not registered in Cherepovets.

According to the socio-hygienic monitoring, the indicators of the chemical composition of drinking water supplied by MUP Vodokanal to the distribution network do not exceed the established hygienic standards and comply with the requirements of SanPiN “Drinking water. Since 2008, rotavirus antigens have not been detected in tap drinking water.

At present, for the city of Cherepovets, it is important to solve the problem of reducing environmental pollution with consumer waste. Municipal household waste, including household waste, sweeps from improved road surfaces, non-toxic waste from public utilities, specific consumption and production waste (to be disposed of), is collected according to a planned-regular system and transported for disposal to an organized landfill. Burial is carried out by compaction and filling with an insulating layer according to a leveling height scheme. The landfill is a source of environmental pollution: atmospheric (fires) and surrounding lands (scattering of light fractions of MSW, harmful effluents, soil pollution). Based on the design capacity, the landfill is subject to closure (the resources of the landfill are exhausted by 90%). One of the solutions to this problem is the construction of a universal autonomous waste processing plant.

In 2011, 8252.763 thousand tons of production waste were generated in the industrial sector, which is 598.037 thousand tons less than in 2003. During the analyzed period, there was both an increase in the volume of production waste generation in some years by 4-6% compared to the volumes of 2003, and a decline in the volume of their formation to 10% during the crisis in the economy. At the same time, the percentage of production waste disposal throughout the entire period was at a level above 90% of the volume of generation.

Analysis of the average annual concentrations of salts of heavy metals (gross content), determined in the soils of the city, shows that over the past 5 years, the established hygienic standards have not been exceeded in all districts of the city.

According to the branch of the FGUZ "TsGiE", the radiation situation in the city is favorable. Radiation accidents and the presence of radiation pathology were not recorded.

The total number of organized and conducted events for environmental education and upbringing of the population averages 1880 per year, covering up to 90 thousand people, including 24 thousand active participants. Level monitoring ecological culture children and adolescents, held in 2011-2012 academic year, shows that the high level is 32% - actively restoring (in 2004 - 24%), the average level is 54% - actively saving (in 2004 - 53%), the low level is 14% - passively consuming (in 2004 - 23%).

The purpose of the referral "Architecture and urban planning" is - ensuring the comfort of living; creation of an aesthetically complete environment of the city.

The planning structure of Cherepovets, formed by four residential areas and five industrial zones, is due to both the natural features of the place and the current urban development situation. The urban environment of the industrial Cherepovets in the 20th century was formed on the principles of mass construction of panel high-rise buildings of the "social city" around industrial production. The development of the city has recently been aimed at improving the quality of life of citizens by creating a harmonious architectural and spatial environment, comprehensive improvement, landscaping, flower, color and lighting design of the city.

During the period from 2002 to 2012, more than 1,000 land plots were formed for individual housing construction; 1306 town planning plans for land plots were prepared.

In 2003, the Martial Arts Center was put into operation, st. Labor, 33 A.


  • The landscaping of the area near the building of the MUK GDK Ammophos was completed.

  • A sports complex was erected (northern stand), st. Labor.

  • Reconstruction of Molodezhnaya street on the site from the street. Ostinskaya to st. Pioneer.

  • The reconstruction of the cinema "Sovremennik", st. M. Gorky, 40, Wedding Palace, Sovetsky pr., 39.

  • Landscaped area named after I.A. Milyutin.

  • A monument to the Cherepovets metallurgists was erected and the territory was landscaped.

  • Construction of a section of Lyubetskaya street from Oktyabrsky pr. to st. Nasedkin.

  • The building of a universal game sports hall for 1500 seats (SK "Yubileiny"), st. Lenin, 125.

  • The building of a universal sports complex for 6-7 thousand seats (Ice Palace), Oktyabrsky pr., 70.

  • House I.A. Milyutina, pl. Revolutions, 1

  • Construction of a section of Godovikova Street from Oktyabrsky Prospekt to Sheksninsky Prospekt.

  • The building of a shopping center for the sale of building materials, Kirillovskoe sh., 50A.

  • Reconstruction of a sports volleyball school for children and youth (Volleyball Center), st. Mayakovsky, 11.

  • Overhaul of the Chamber Theatre, Sovetsky pr., 35B.

  • The building of the workshop of polymer coatings TsPPM, north-western industrial center.

  • The building of the base of wholesale and retail trade in building materials, st. Rybinskaya, 59 (TC "Akson").

  • The building of the chapel in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God "Picturesque source" with a ciborium, st. Lenina, 1A.

  • Reconstruction of the intersection of Pobedy Ave. - st. Gogol - st. May Day.

  • Reconstruction of Sheksninsky pr. on the section from Oktyabrsky pr. to st. Rybinskaya.

  • Construction of a section of Rybinskaya Street from the street. Montclair to st. Raahe.

  • Improvement of the forecourt square.

  • Improvement of the forecourt.

  • Reconstruction of the building of the House of Culture "Stroitel", pl. builders, 1.

  • Reconstruction of the square near the recreation center "Stroitel", installation of a memorial sign (Globe of Cherepovets).
year 2009:

  • Construction of a section of Lyubetskaya street from Oktyabrsky pr. to st. Montclair (from Nasedkin St. to Gorodetskaya St.).

  • Fire station, st. Rybinskaya, 37.

  • The building of the entertainment center (Storm), st. K. Belyaeva, 59.

  • Construction of a section of Gorodetskaya street from the street. Lyubetskaya to Oktyabrsky pr.

  • The building of the extension of the railway station, st. Zavokzalnaya, 9.

  • FOK at the stadium "Burevestnik", st. labor, 3.


  • The building of MIFNS No. 12 for the city of Cherepovets, attached to the administrative building, 4B Stroiteley Ave.

  • Medical complex of outpatient services for the population, st. Milyutina, 6.

  • Reconstruction of the IRC "Galsky Manor", st. Maturinskaya, 28.

  • Reconstruction of Naberezhnaya Street (from the bridge over the Yagorba River to Lenin Street) and the section of the street. Lenin along the sports school MOUDO FKiS "DYuSSh No. 1".

  • Reconstruction of st. K. Liebknecht and the intersection of st. Gorky - Moskovsky pr. - st. Danilova - st. K. Liebknecht.

  • Reconstruction of the bridge across the Yagorba River. Transport interchange in two levels on the right-bank approach with the reconstruction of the section of the existing embankment of the river. Yagorba.

  • Temple complex in honor of the Monks Athanasius and Theodosius of Cherepovets, Makarinskaya Grove, 1.

  • Reconstruction of SS 110/10 kV "Iskra", Severnoye sh., 6A.

  • Landscaping of the square near the building of the Children's Musical Theatre, st. Lenina, 159A.

  • Improvement of the square, st. Gogol.

  • Improvement of the square, b. Domenshchikov.

  • Improvement of the square, st. Vereshchagin.
year 2012

  • The building of a stationary public toilet, Sovetsky pr., 41A.
The districts of the city have different prospects for territorial development: the territorial possibilities of the Industrial and Northern districts have been exhausted, here selective new housing construction is possible in the areas being reconstructed or compacted. Zayagorbsky district has territorial reserves for new housing construction, as well as for the reconstruction of existing housing. Zasheksinsky district has significant territorial reserves for new housing construction.

Currently, the city is solving the problem of moving away from the concept of the gray mass development of the "social city", characteristic of previous decades, through the construction of facilities according to individual projects.

The city has sufficient land resources for housing construction, and also has the necessary urban planning documentation for the implementation of territorial development (the Master Plan of the city, the Rules for land use and development of the city, city territory planning projects, plans for the integrated development of territories), formed land plots for rent and sale .

Priority areas of work on the development of urban areas have been identified. Among them are the development of projects for the transport scheme and red lines of the city, the planning project for the historical part of the city, the design of the 2nd bridge crossing over the Sheksna River, the projects for planning built-up areas, and the development of embankments.

To improve the quality of urban space, programs have been developed and are being implemented to shape the architectural appearance, create samples and examples of urban art, urban design and landscape architecture.

The purpose of the referral "Housing" is - the creation of conditions for providing various categories of citizens with housing.

Between 2003 and 2012 reform of the housing legislation. In accordance with the current legislation, the housing department of the mayor's office of the city carried out measures to implement the housing rights of citizens. In 2012, the mayor's office of Cherepovets registered 8,779 families as those in need of housing provided under a social tenancy agreement, 7,457 of which were recognized as needing housing before 03/01/2005.

From 2003 to 03/01/2005, the department carried out measures to resettle 756 citizens from the housing stock, emergency and subject to demolition due to physical wear and tear during operation, who were settled in residential premises of the primary and secondary municipal housing stock.

Since 2008, in order to regulate housing legal relations with citizens living in the municipal housing stock under social tenancy conditions, the department has been taking measures to conclude 1,535 social tenancy agreements.

In the period from 2005 to 2010, 62 service residential premises were provided to janitors of municipal unitary housing enterprises, fitters of sanitary systems and equipment of municipal unitary housing enterprises and district police officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

From 2005 to 2012 the department provided living quarters in dormitories to 955 families of employees of municipal budgetary institutions; citizens from the category of orphans, children left without parental care, and persons from among them; employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Residential premises under lease contracts were provided to employees of municipal institutions and municipal unitary enterprises, local authorities of the city of Cherepovets, employees and pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; under lease agreements - municipal, state institutions and enterprises, bodies state power. In total, for the specified period, 90 residential premises were assigned to the commercial use fund, in respect of which the department concluded relevant agreements.

In accordance with the law of the Vologda Oblast dated April 6, 2009 No. 1985-OZ “On vesting local governments with separate state powers to provide housing for certain categories of citizens”, 317 veterans of the Great Patriotic War recognized as in need of better housing conditions, as well as 81 disabled and combat veterans improved living conditions.

Since 2002, the city has been participating in the implementation of subprograms "Provision of housing for young families"; within the framework of the program, 81 young families and 196 citizens from the category dismissed from military service exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, recognized in the prescribed manner as forced migrants.

The mayor's office of the city carried out work to ensure the implementation of the housing rights of citizens living in residential premises of the municipal housing stock. As a result of ongoing activities for the period from 2003 to 2011. realized the housing rights of 16390 families.

In total, for the period from July 4, 1991 (from the date of entry into force of the Law of the Russian Federation of 04.07.1991 No. 1541-1 “On the privatization of the housing stock in the Russian Federation”), 92,561 contracts were concluded for the transfer of residential premises to the ownership of citizens in the manner of privatization; in the period from 2003 to 2012, 50,512 applications from families for the privatization of residential premises were considered, 47,859 contracts were concluded.

During 2011-2012 based on the results of acceptance and consideration of applications and documents from citizens with three or more children, claiming to be granted land plots free of charge for individual housing construction, 854 families were included in this list. In total, for the period from 2003 to 2012, the housing department of the mayor's office considered about 183,000 written and oral appeals from families.

In the city, the ratio of municipal and private housing stock was 16.3% and 81.5%. (in 2003 - 42.0% and 54.6% respectively). The total area of ​​living quarters per inhabitant is higher than the federal standard and amounts to 23.3 sq.m./person. against 20.7 sq.m./person in 2003. The number of residential apartments per 1 thousand people of the city's population in 2012 amounted to 429.3 units.

The peak of construction in Cherepovets fell on 2007-2008 pre-crisis years. Its peak figure: 202.2 thousand square meters. meters per year was achieved at the end of 2007, thanks to the contribution of large industrialists who built housing for their employees as part of corporate programs. Of the 202.2 thousand square meters handed over on a turnkey basis, half fell on Severstal: in a relatively short period of time, 2006-2010, Severstal built a whole microdistrict behind Sheksna (24 residential buildings, or 2344 apartments). Also, a comprehensive project for planning the territory in the village of Gorodishche, Cherepovets District, was developed for the subsequent construction of a cottage village. No less were the successes in this matter of Cherepovets Azot OJSC and Ammofos OJSC. Entire residential blocks for workers in the chemical industry have grown in the Northern District.

The program "Stimulating the development of housing construction in the city of Cherepovets in 2011-2015" determined the number of land plots provided to construction companies for the construction of apartment buildings. At present, the volume of housing for which a building permit has already been obtained is 321 thousand square meters. meters - these are ready-made land plots of 26 md. (Zayagorbsky district), in 107 and 110 md. (Zasheksninsky district) - 400 thousand square meters. meters.

In order to provide housing construction with communal infrastructure, the city has implemented projects for the construction of backbone networks for development, incl. individual low-rise buildings in the Zasheksninsky district (112, 105.106 microdistrict) of Cherepovets, as well as a station for UV disinfection of treated wastewater in the left-bank section of sewage treatment facilities.

The main problems in the field of housing construction are the problems of the lack of mechanisms for attracting private investment and credit resources in the construction and modernization of engineering infrastructure, as well as burdensome conditions for the developer to join the engineering infrastructure systems.

The main role in housing construction is played by private and individual developers. There are 30 large and medium-sized enterprises, as well as small enterprises with more than 16 thousand employees employed in construction organizations in the construction industry of the city. In 2009, a non-profit partnership "Self-Regulatory Organization" Construction Complex of the Vologda Region "is registered in the city, which included 179 enterprises, including 75 construction organizations. To ensure the uninterrupted work of builders, there are 22 enterprises that produce bricks, large wall blocks, concrete mix, mortar, asphalt concrete, etc. Construction Materials. At present, the construction complex of Cherepovets has a certain reserve and potential that can meet its own needs in construction. The presence of a sufficient number of construction companies with experience in housing construction is an important, but not a determining factor in the development of housing in the city.

The main direction of the work of the city administration in developing a competitive environment in the field of construction was the reduction of administrative barriers that impede and complicate the start and conduct of construction activities, the simplification of bureaucratic procedures, increasing their transparency, ensuring proper access to the necessary information, reducing the time for the execution of municipal services (decree of the mayor's office dated On February 11, 2011 No. 477, the Action Program "Liquidation of Administrative Barriers in Construction on the Territory of the Urban District of the City of Cherepovets for 2011-2015" was adopted.

To achieve this goal, an automated information system of the land and property cadastre (AIS ZIK) was created - a modular system designed to form, store and process municipal information resources, provide data to local governments. The use of this system makes it possible to reduce the time for providing information at the request of developer companies and improve the quality of documentation preparation.

At the end of 2011, the coefficient of housing affordability for the population of the region (the ratio of the average market value of a standard apartment with a total area of ​​54 sq. m and the average annual total cash income of a family of 3) was 3.84 years, which is lower than the national average (in 2010 - 4.5 years).

Until 2008, the cost of housing, both in the primary and secondary markets, tended to increase. In 2009 - 2010, the real estate agencies of the city recorded a decrease in the number of apartments offered for sale. Part of the transactions concluded were transactions aimed at expanding the housing available to citizens. The buyer has moved sharply from the elite housing niche to the economy class sector. At the peak of the crisis, many illiquid apartments were built in Cherepovets: expensive, large areas, which are still not being sold very successfully. The crisis contributed to the fall in housing prices. However, the purchase and construction of housing using market mechanisms is still only available to high-income families.

According to sociological surveys, more than 70% of the city's population wants to live in comfortable low-rise buildings; more than 40% of the population are ready to directly participate in low-rise housing construction. The remoteness from the city of 10–12 kilometers is in demand: Irdomatka, Vaneevo, Novaya Shayma, where there is a relatively developed infrastructure. At the same time, sociological studies show that 80% of the population are not able to solve their housing problems on their own.

The main source of financing for housing construction in Russia was the funds of the population, including mortgage loans granted to citizens for housing construction. The mortgage lending market in the city developed without the participation of local governments. No efforts were made by the city administration to regulate this activity. The only factor supporting mortgage lending was the local implementation of the federal target program "Housing" (subprogram "Provision of housing for young families"). Under this subprogramme, young families are provided with social payments to pay the down payment when receiving a housing loan, including a mortgage, or a housing loan for the purchase of a dwelling or the construction of an individual residential house. Social benefit is provided in the amount of not less than:

30 percent of the estimated (average) cost of housing, determined in accordance with these Rules, - for young families without children;

35 percent of the estimated (average) cost of housing, determined in accordance with these Rules, for young families with 1 child or more, as well as for single-parent young families consisting of 1 young parent and 1 child or more.

In 2003, a branch of the non-profit organization "Fund for the Development of Mortgage Lending in the Vologda Region" was opened in the city, carrying out:

Investment and construction of housing;

Refinancing of mortgage loans issued for the purchase of housing;

Providing state support to young families at the expense of the regional budget;

Implementation of programs within the framework of products developed by OJSC AHML, incl. issuance of mortgage loans to various categories of the population;

Implementation of programs to assist borrowers who find themselves in a difficult financial situation.

With the direct participation of the Cherepovets branch, the construction of 21 objects was built and invested, 597 families were able to move into new apartments, about 1.5 thousand families improved their living conditions by purchasing apartments on the secondary market. The increase in mortgage lending also depends on the volume of refinancing within the framework of the federal system of mortgage lending. The existing system of mortgage lending in the city cannot be considered a significant support for the development of construction, since such support is provided for a small group of the population.

The purpose of the referral "Transport" is - increasing the efficiency and safety of the operation of urban passenger transport.

The city has a developed transport infrastructure. The total length of the street and road network of the city is 217 km, of which 85% are with improved coverage. Cherepovets is a new city that is not burdened by the radial-ring structure of the street and road network (like Moscow, Vologda, etc.), but has problems associated with traffic congestion in the residential part of the city, lack of traffic capacity of highways, lack of reliable transport links between city districts .

Increased traffic intensity last years led to capacity shortages, lower average speeds and traffic congestion. According to statistics, the number of vehicles in Cherepovets has increased by 22,604 units since 2004 and as of 01.01.2012 amounted to 102,922 units. Intensive operation of the road network leads to rapid wear of the canvas.

Since 2010, there has been a drop in the demand of citizens for urban public transport and an increase in the number of trips by individual transport. The fare in public transport increased by 220% from 2003 to 2012, while the cost of fuel increased by 150% over the same period. The average age of a public car fleet unit is 14 years, and of a tram is 20 years. The operating speed of public transport in 2011 was 16.9 km/h (2008 - 18.2 km/h). The speed of communication during peak hours at the busiest - on Sovetsky pr., st. Lenina, st. Stalevarov, Oktyabrsky bridge and Oktyabrsky pr. by bus decreases to 10 km/h or less.

Communication between the banks of the river. Sheksna is carried out along one single automobile bridge - Oktyabrsky. At present, the capacity of the bridge does not correspond to the size of the traffic flow and does not provide sufficient traffic safety. The traffic load on the bridge is 117%. With existing opportunities, by 2020, the level of its utilization will increase to 193%.

Today, there are 2 municipal enterprises operating in the city of Cherepovets (MUP Avtokolonna 1456, MUP of the city of Cherepovets "Electrotrans") and 2 private enterprises (LLC Novotrans, LLC Cherepovetstransagenstvo).

The vast majority of buses on city routes belongs to the Cherepovets convoy 1456, serving 25 city routes. Control over the operation of buses on the routes of MUP "Avtokolonna No. 1456" and LLC "Novotrans" is carried out using navigation systems. The basis of the fleet of private buses is currently used buses of brands Scania, Volvo, Mercedes from Sweden, Finland, Germany and other European countries, as well as domestic buses LiAZ and PAZ. The modern tram system of Cherepovets consists of a rather long, almost straight, two-track track that runs through the entire city.

In addition to buses, urban passenger transportation is carried out by buses owned by private road carriers, which conclude contracts with motor transport enterprises for the right to work on urban passenger transport routes. All transportation is carried out by buses of medium, large and extra large capacity. The absence of fixed-route taxis is a distinctive positive feature of the urban transport system of Cherepovets, in comparison with many Russian cities.

Length of operational passenger route by means of transport, (km)


















bus in intra-city traffic









The problem of creating a favorable environment for human life is one of the most relevant in the modern theory of urban planning and architecture. It concerns the issues of economic feasibility of projects, the expressiveness and modernity of architectural solutions, the possibility of surrounding a person with the natural environment, and extracting material benefits from the territory.

The search for a solution to this problem leads to a clash of interests between the two sides. The first is represented by the bodies of state and local self-government, which regulate the types and forms of use of territories through legislative and other normative acts. Together with them, the existing urban environment acts, dictating the style and boundaries of possible solutions. The second side is represented by consumers who perceive the environment as an object of use, and customers who present their own requirements for the quality indicators of the environment. The architect, taking into account the current situation, the needs of the customer and regulatory data, changes the existing urban environment.

The problems of the modern urban environment appear in the form of a number of conflicts:

    The conflict between the nature of the use of the territory and its natural potential. The development of the city always leads to the suppression of the natural environment.

    Conflict between technology (machines) and man. On the one hand - pollution, on the other - physical contact.

    The conflict between architectural forms and time. It finds expression in the fact that in numerous spaces of urban areas there is a moral aging of its aesthetic parameters.

    Conflict between old and new. Refers to cities with a historical layer.

    The conflict between the individual and the public, reflecting the contradictory structure of the urban environment.

    The conflict between the architectural object and the environment, reflecting the wide-volume model of design, construction and reconstruction.

Speaking about the possibility of changing the modern urban environment, there are several approaches.

First. Optimization of laws and regulations, including local regulations.

Second. Participation of the population in the development of such documents. Public hearings and reviews of projects.

Third. The coordinated activity of architects-planners who form the environment within the framework of these standards and the range of needs of the population.

The modern attitude of the urban planning code to the issue of the formation of the environment is as follows: when developing urban planning documentation on urban planning for the development of territories and settlements and on their development, zoning schemes for territories are developed that determine the type of use of the territory and establish restrictions on their use for urban planning activities (Article 37, paragraph 2 Town-planning code of the Russian Federation).

Zoning of territories is aimed at providing a favorable living environment, protecting territories from the impact of natural and man-made emergencies; prevention of excessive concentration of population and production, environmental pollution; protection and use of specially protected natural areas, including natural landscapes, territories of historical and cultural sites, as well as agricultural lands and forest lands (Article 37, paragraph 2).

The preparation of urban planning documentation for the development of settlements should be carried out on the basis of integrated development programs for the municipality (strategic plans). In urban areas and rural settlements The following types of territorial zones can be established:

Public and business zones;

Industrial zones;

Zones of engineering and transport infrastructures;

Recreational areas;

Agricultural use zones;

Special purpose zones;

Zones of military facilities, other zones of sensitive territories.

In addition, the code prescribes the area and functional content of each of the zones. Other regulatory documents supplement it with information on the number and nature of public facilities. Upon receipt of the town-planning plan of the site (formerly APL), the architect is prescribed all the main indicators of the formation of the environment, while he is left with the design boundaries within the architectural forms and landscape design. Zoning of the territory of the city is clearly defined. The main directions for the development of main streets of citywide significance, the areas of residential quarters and the number of storeys of residential groups are set; availability of schools, kindergartens and other public facilities, up to their location. Thus, when designing, based only on regulatory data, there will be no qualitative changes in the urban environment, but an averaging of its parameters in the context of human needs will be observed.

The urban planning code prescribes zoning aimed at creating a favorable environment for human life, but the modern environment cannot be called favorable by the consumer, although the architect complied with the norms and rules of design. The difference lies in the fact that, from the point of view of the designer, the environment is harmonious, but for an average person with average needs. But for a specific person with individual needs - no. In addition, each territory has its own potential and limited development opportunities that can be used or ignored. This question should be called an echo of the socialist period, but the modern regulatory framework is largely based on outdated design principles that prescribe averaging of indicators and contribute to the formation of a uniform urban environment. World experience demonstrates the possibility of creating schools for both one hundred and two thousand people; comfort and favorable impact on the person of green areas; the possibility of creating a diverse structure for the location of public facilities - from their complete removal from the residential area and combining them in one building to providing public facilities for each residential building.

General planning is a method that forms the basis for the development of modern small towns. It is a formal model of the state that the city must reach by a certain date. This way of forming the environment does not allow responding to the needs that arise in the process of city development and changes in its architectural and planning structure.

Currently, one of the possibilities for creating a favorable environment is the use of strategic planning methodology, which determines the goals, objectives and methods of creating an environment for human life. This technique allows you to identify not only the achievable parameters of the environment, but also the real possibilities of the city, on the basis of which the programs and projects of the strategic plan will be based.

The model of modern zoning of the urban environment is primarily due to the need to regulate urban development activities carried out on the territory of the city. Each territory needs to be provided with engineering and transport communications, population density regulation, establishing links with other types of territories. From the point of view of regulation, it is most convenient to work with a uniform environment that meets typical, average indicators. It is more difficult to work with a "live" environment that responds to multiple use cases. To revive the environment allows a response to human needs. Responding in each case to the required type of use, the urban environment becomes diverse and acquires qualitatively new characteristics.

From the point of view of use, a person divides the environment into three main types of territories:

The first. natural natural areas. This group includes lands undeveloped and not urbanized by man. Lands with the status of reserves, natural parks. The immediate surroundings of the city are forests, reservoirs, open spaces.

Second view. Residential areas. This includes areas developed for various types of housing. Individual residential buildings as a natural type of territory development. Residential houses of temporary stay - hotels, hotels, sanatoriums. Multi-apartment residential buildings.

The third kind of territories are public areas. This includes all public use facilities and areas related to these facilities. Social and business, industrial, recreational, trade and other types.

From the point of view of regulation, the Urban Planning Code divides the urban environment into seven zones; from the point of view of human use, it divides it into three main types of territories. This gap in attitudes towards the urban environment, in terms of regulation and use, is manifested in its disharmony.

To date, the main problem in the formation of the environment in small and medium-sized towns of the Sverdlovsk region is the lack of opportunities, that is, weak economic potential, decline in production capacity, and small financial flows. Therefore, the identification of the main development priorities is a basic task in the development of a strategic plan. The main indicators that determine the development of a small city are the location relative to the center of the agglomeration, the type of city and its mission. On the basis of location, relative to the center of the agglomeration, cities are divided into the following types (table 1, diagram):

Located in the zone of strong influence of the center, R< 20 км.

Located in the zone of average influence, R< 60 км.

Located in the zone of weak influence, R > 60 km.

Cities located within a radius of twenty kilometers from the center of the agglomeration are subject to its strong influence. The population of these cities is characterized by daily migration for labor, educational and domestic purposes. This group of cities, as a rule, is located in the zone of direct influence of technogenic territories. Such as main and bypass roads, railways and interchanges, airports, functioning industrial enterprises and depleted production areas, storage areas. For such cities, with the natural development of the urban environment, the greatest attention should be paid to natural areas. Being at a short distance from the center of the agglomeration, as a rule, the largest city, residents have the opportunity to fully use its public facilities: places of employment, educational institutions, shopping and entertainment centers. The distance from the satellite cities of the first belt to the central zone of the center city is, as a rule, identical to the distance from the center to remote residential areas. At the same time, the cities close to the center are distinguished by poor ecology. The main efforts aimed at the development of natural areas may include: measures to shield highways and railways in order to protect against noise; carrying out legal zoning of the city's territory, in order to preserve parks, squares and areas of the natural environment from cutting, building and commercial use of the territories.

Cities located within a radius of sixty kilometers from the center of the agglomeration are subject to its average influence. This group of cities has the most optimal location. Residents have the opportunity to migrate daily for work and study purposes. At the same time, this group of cities is located at a sufficient distance from the center, which gives them the opportunity to exist in favorable environmental conditions. The natural development of the urban environment in this group of cities should be aimed at creating quality living conditions, that is, the development of the residential structure of the city in accordance with its type. The creation of highly comfortable apartment buildings with the inclusion of public facilities in them and the possibility of renting apartments in cities of a recreational type. Reconstruction or replacement of wooden houses and the creation of a structure of modern houses of individual type in cities with predominant agricultural activities. Creation of comfortable living conditions in industrial cities together with a city-forming industrial enterprise.

Cities located at a distance of more than sixty kilometers from the center of the settlement system are to a small extent subject to its influence. If residents do not have the opportunity to constantly use the multifunctional structure of the public facilities of the center, then such cities are in the best environmental conditions and, one might say, merge with the natural environment. In such cities, the natural development of the urban environment should first of all be directed to areas of public use. Public facilities of this group of cities should differ not in quantitative, but in qualitative indicators, that is, the narrow profile of educational institutions, the compactness of shopping and entertainment facilities.

The foundation of the city is associated, as a rule, with the uniqueness of the place where it will be located. And cities that are at a great distance from the main settlement system should have a particularly unique location. The main development priorities, resource potential and place in the settlement system reveal the main mission of the city. The disclosure of this mission in cities far from the center will contribute to the acquisition of competitive advantages with the largest cities and will provide an opportunity for both the full development of public use areas and the urban environment as a whole.

Thus, the concept of the natural formation of the environment based on the methodology of strategic planning is one of the leading opportunities for creating a favorable environment for life in modern conditions small and medium cities.

Table 1. Classification of small and medium-sized cities of the Sverdlovsk region, based on location.

City name (number of people)

City location

Alapaevsk (72.4 thousand people)

Artyomovsk (63.4 thousand people)

Beloyarsky (46.7 thousand people)

2nd(53 km from Yekaterinburg)

Berezovsky (64.4 thousand people)

1e(11 km from Yekaterinburg)

Bogdanovich (34.8 thousand people)

Upper Salda (78.8 thousand people)

2n(34 km from Nizhny Tagil)

Upper Pyshma (77.8 thous.

1e(15 km from Yekaterinburg)

Verkhoturye (15.7 thousand people)*

Ivdel (26.4 thousand people)

Irbit (57.6 thousand people)

Kamyshlov (32.7 thousand people)

Karpinsk (53.4 thousand people)

Kachkanar (50.3 thousand people)

Kirovgrad (49.0 thousand people)

Krasnoturinsk (74.4 thousand people)

Krasnouralsk (35.3 thousand people)

2n(43 km from Nizhny - Tagil)

Krasnoufimsk (51.7 thousand people)

Kushva (69.0 thousand people)

2n(30 km from Nizhny Tagil)

Nevyansk (47.5 thousand people)

Lower Earrings (55.6 thousand people)

Lower Tura (34.0 thousand people)

New Lyalya (25.9 thousand people)

Polevskoy (71.5 thousand people)

2nd(37 km from Yekaterinburg)

Revda (84.0 thousand people)

2nd(46 km from Yekaterinburg)

Dir (44.6 thousand people)

Severouralsk (53.9 thousand people)

Dry log (38.5 thousand people)

Sysert (54.6 thousand people)

2nd(45 km from Yekaterinburg)

Tavda (45.6 thousand people)

Talitsa (31.6 thousand people)

Turinsk (22.9 thousand people)

* - The city of Verkhoturye (with a population of less than 20 thousand) is included in the classification, as it has a unique cultural significance.

1e– in the zone of strong influence of the center (Yekaterinburg), R< 20 км.

2nd– in the zone of average influence of the center (Yekaterinburg), R< 60 км.

2n– in the zone of average influence of the center (Nizhny Tagil), R< 60 км.

3 – in the zone of weak influence of the center, R > 60 km.


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    Kapustin VG, Kornev IN Sverdlovsk region: nature, population, economy, ecology. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2004. - 325 p.: ill.

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Bezdenezhnykh Igor Alexandrovich,
student of Ural State Academy of Arts
scientific adviser:
PhD in Architecture,
Associate Professor Sanok S.I.